Mike Yu

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since Nov 17, 2001
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Recent posts by Mike Yu

Thanks Paul for your time to respond to my question.

But, that is not what I am looking for. I am asking a technical question. I wanted to know if Unix Solaries provide a utility/command to do this job or if there are any scripts to do it.

14 years ago

How to find out the encoding of a text file in Unix Solaries, that is, what encoding was used when the file was created?

14 years ago

If I have a webpage, its content comes from database dynamically. If users want to save the page as a PDF file or Excel file. How can I make it?
17 years ago

If I have a webpage, its content comes from database dynamically. If users want to have a save the page as a PDF file or Excel file. How can I make it?

17 years ago

What is the easiest way to find the total number of lines in a text file?
I know we can create a LineNumberReader and count it line by line.

17 years ago
I have a web application that connect to a standalaone JAVA application using RMI.

The web application runs in the standalone oc4j_10_1_2 in my local machine (Windows XP). The standalone JAVA application runs in a remote server.

When I tried to connect from the web application from my local machine to the standalone Java application in the remote server, I got following error:

In server.log,
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission accept,resolve)

In application.log,
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.io.FilePermission C:\JDeveloper10g\oc4j_10_1_2\BC4J\lib\org\apache\struts\action\ActionResources_en_US.properties read)

In my application code, I did not use org\apache\struts\action\ActionResources_en_US.properties .

Can someone help?

17 years ago

I often heard that J2SE is part of J2EE or J2SE is a component of J2EE. Is it correct?


19 years ago

If a webpage has no menu bar, just like a popup window. Is there a way to save the complete webpage?


I intalled Oracle9i DB, Oracle9i DS.

I created databases using the script from 9i DS. There is a database schema HR.

When I started from Oracle DB's Enterprise Manager, I can login using username/password HR/HR or admin/password. But when I tried to connect to the database from JDeveloper or Report Builder, I always got error: username/password is invalid.

Can someone help?
20 years ago

I tried the bookstore1 in J2EE tutorial.
When I opened http:/localhost:8080/bookstore1/bookstore, I was asked to Enter Network Password (site; localhost, realm: XDB). What are the Enter Network Password and user name?
20 years ago

I will need to choose a Application server for our company, can someone give some info about the advantages and disadvantages of WebSphere, WebLogic and Oracle iAS
20 years ago

I downloaded Oracle9i DB and Oracle 9i Report Developer. I installed both of them.

I can log into database Enterprise manager using username (Admin) and passport (password).

When I use Oracle 9i Report Developer and I use the same username (Admin) and passport (password), I always get error: database connection failed.

Can someone help?
20 years ago
Hi Jeanne,

Thank you for your info.
I tried to download the Oracle Report software, but I did not find it, Can you help?
20 years ago

Does someone know any good, brief tutorial about Oracle Report?
20 years ago

Thank you all for replying to my questions. What I wanted to ask about query plan is:

Which Oracle 9i commands can be used for finding out the query plan of SQL?
Explain Plan is one of the tools in Oracle 9i. Do you know any other tools?
20 years ago