rewati raman

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since May 22, 2010
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Recent posts by rewati raman

I want default login page that spring 3 generates for you. For that I dont need to specify login page right???
12 years ago
Its still not working what am i doing wrong. I read hundreds of blogs and forum but its still not working. I have posted my all configuration here. and all changes one by one. What am I doing wrong???
12 years ago
I dont think thats the issue, but still I changed it because that how it should be.

my new web.xml is

12 years ago
I googled some stuff and changed my web.xml to this

now wehen I try to go to http://localhost:8080/App/admin url changes to http://localhost:8080/App/spring_security_login and I get this error

HTTP Status 400 -

type Status report


description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().

Apache Tomcat/6.0.33

12 years ago
Thanks a lot for your reply.

I changed my web.xml.

but now I am getting this error.

TTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


java.lang.IllegalStateException: No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.33 logs.
12 years ago
Hi there
I am trying to go through spring in action third edition.
I am trying to implement a basic login and url security. I am not getting any login page. Here is my web.xml

Here is my application context xml name servlet-context.xml

here is my security xml

I have two controller. for admin I have one controller

I dont have any login or index jsp. when I go to http://localhost:8080/App/admin it gives me 400 page not found error
12 years ago
Hi Divya
There is a lot of difference between java1.5 and 1.6. If you have programing back ground then direct start with scjp1.6 otherwise start with HF
Hi there
I am working for a company and we have a big SAAS application. We have decided to stat junit. Now I have very limmited knowledge of Junit. How to start learning it. Which is the best book for it. Can I start Junit for future module or I will have to implement junit for previous module. Where I can get info for setting up Junit environment for an existing application.
13 years ago
HI I am trying to run simple servlet and i am getting this error.

14 years ago
Hi there
I want to know which is the best site for hibernate tutorial.
I have made a server program that can be used to chat with a telnet client. Here is the code. There is a problem with it.
the message between server and client is irregular and i am not able to understand it. I am attaching the output below.

after submiting the form you will get the details in your servlet ....if you want to make any db operations do it first .. then as was told earlier call a method or a simple pojo method to send an email. you can do it using socket and smtp. that will work.
14 years ago
Hi there
I want to make a keylogger which will run in back ground. I have already written a code and it working good but there is a problem. when it runs it runs with a console and it logs key only when we click on the console. I want it to record every key strokes. Wether its on browser or system. How to get all the key strokes from the key and how to run it without a console.
need help!!!
14 years ago