Avinash venna

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since Jun 10, 2010
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Recent posts by Avinash venna

because every Car is a Vehicle but not all Vehicles are cars
11 years ago
the getDispatcher method takes path as an argument. most probably the path here is wrong. Try checking that.. you may try /Customer.jsp
11 years ago
Actually I am connecting to a remote server and getting a java melody report and writing it to a servlet. Now, I need to display this report on a liferay portlet where I can display it in a jsp. So I am including the servlet in portlet's view.jsp
12 years ago

I have developed a servlet and it shows some reports (including images). Now I need to display the content of this servlet in a jsp and I am using <jsp:include page="/MyServlet"></jsp:include> to do so. I can see the full report if I run my servlet directly but when I run jsp, the images are missing. Please some one help me out in resolving this. Thanks in advance.

Avinash V
12 years ago
Hi Guys,

I have a problem.

I am using xmlrpc client for accessing the API of a particular product and for using the url "http://abc.com/xmlrpc.cgi" its asking for authentication. If i use "http://<username>:<password>@abc.com/xmlrpc.cgi" its throwing an error "Unauthorized".

One more thing is before using this URL i need to cross the proxy and for that i am using httpclient and i am successful.

Please someone help me how to solve this issue.

Avinash Venna.
14 years ago
Hi All,

I have deployed a WAR file in my tomcat webapps and when i access a jsp page i am getting http 500 error and if i try to refresh it again i am getting the page.. if i refresh again i am getting error.. this inconsistency is being followed. please someone suggest what is the root cause for this..

Avinash Venna.
14 years ago
Hi every one,

I have integrated apache with tomcat and everything is working fine. But when i am downloading an image through apache i am getting an error like "unable to download the file" in IE. when i have added cache-control in my code its working fine if i access through tomcat but not working when i am trying to do with apache. Some one please guide me how to set cache -control headers in apache for specific file downloads.

14 years ago
Hi everyone,'

I am struck with this problem from quite a few days. Need to deliver urgently. So guys please help me how to get over with this error....

I have set up tomcat , apache (configured https) on ubuntu... Integrated apache with tomcat using mod-jk connector.. While accessing the required webapp i am getting an error like

" missing uri map for localhost:/application "

workers.properties file is:
workers.tomcat_home= /usr/share/tomcat5.5





uncommented connector tags in server.xml

Added the following lines in apache2.conf


JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/workers.properties

JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log

JkLogLevel debug

<LocationMatch '.*WEB-INF.*'>

AllowOverride None

deny from all


# Send servlet for context /servlets-examples to worker named worker1

JkMount /*/servlet/* application

# Send JSPs for context /jsp-examples to worker named worker1

JkMount /*.jsp application

JkMount /application/servlet/* application

JkMount /application/*.jsp application

JkMount /application/* application

JkMount /*.do application

JkMount /winaf/*.html application

JkMount /winaf/*.gif application

JkMount /winaf/*.js application


Please someone look into this and provide me a solution... Thanks in advance....

Avinash Venna.
14 years ago

Can some one tell me how to achieve server based authentication. I have installed openldap in my windows system. I am unable to add users to it. and there is nothing like role attribute in it..

Then what is <role-name> in web.xml file. please give me a detailed explanation about this.
please give me exact mapping to server.xml in tomcat to web.xml.

one more thing is do we need ldap.jar file to be placed in catalina/server/lib?

14 years ago
Some one look into this please...
14 years ago
Hi all,

Actually in my application i take a zip file which contains some files and upload it to a server. After uploading i am giving a link to download that file. When a user clicks that link a servlet will execute and a dialog box will appear with options ( open , save and cancel ).

My current requirement is when ever user clicks that link he should be prompted with a dialog box for authentication( he needs to enter username and password). If he enters correct credentials he can download or else it should go to error page...

Please some one guide me how to implement this.. I am new to this... Thanks in advance..

14 years ago
Hi all,

i am using servlets and jsp's for my web application... through servlet i am calling a java class and that class reads a property file.. when i am working on eclipse i gave the absolute path for the file.. but after deploying the class is unable to retrieve the exact path... someone please help me how to give a file location in web context (this file is read by a normal java class.. not a servlet or jsp)
14 years ago
put those values in session and then try retrieving

14 years ago
Hi all,

I am using JSPs and Servlets for my application.. and it doesnt have log in mechanism

To persist the values in the form(across multiple tabs) i am using session...

When ever i am hitting the same url in the same window the values still persist.. How to i invalidate the session on new browser request..

14 years ago
sorry I am new to this forum... i wont repeat this from next time....

Could you please tell me how to use ajax button or how to repopulate the values back again???

Avinas Venna
14 years ago