Thakur Sachin Singh

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since Jun 15, 2010
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Recent posts by Thakur Sachin Singh

Congratulation to Winners!

This is really a great book. As a DevOps engineer, I need it which helps me to improve my skills in different scenarios.

Here, I was not lucky but I will try to buy this book if this book has Indian edition print.
6 years ago
Hi Julien, This is wonderfull. I am happy to see all the topics in your book. I am a devops engineer and i am greatful as you have covered all the topic in this book. thanks for sharing the table contents.
6 years ago
let me know if you have Table Contents free for understanding this book more.
6 years ago
Dear Mr. Horstmann,

You are first writer whom i am following from my college time. I have read your core java volume in my college and my learning was starting from there. you have write everything in your book and i have get deep knowledge from there.

this is nice to see you in this forum.

8 years ago
As per my experience, you are not ready for the exams. do you know about Examlabs? if not then try to give exams here . i hope you will try your best and get good marks in Examlab. practice with practice exam then give final one. if you getting 50 -70% here then i think you can give oracle certification.
Nice explanation Roel De Nijs
got some answers myself:
org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistryBuilder launched in 4.0 version
org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistryBuilder launched in 4.3 version

but my initial question is same:
hy StandardServiceRegistryBuilder class is launched and how this is different from ServiceRegistryBuilder class? and why ServiceRegistryBuilder class is deprecated now?
Hi All,

why StandardServiceRegistryBuilder class is launched and how this is different from ServiceRegistryBuilder class? and why ServiceRegistryBuilder class is deprecated now?

do you know the exact hibernate api version where these classes launched?

as i can see, both classes package are different:
You can start learning with any version but always update yourself with latest version. you can also read below books:

1. Getting Started with Spring Framework
2. Spring 4 for Developing Enterprise Applications
3. Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
4. Pro Spring - Fourth Edition
9 years ago
What about second edition of this book?
9 years ago