Rajiv Chelsea

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since Jun 15, 2010
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Recent posts by Rajiv Chelsea

Hi ,
I have a doubt regarding the System class of Java
In a java class of a project, I saw the System class being used as follows:

I want to know where and in which file is the value of that property might be stored
in the project?

13 years ago
can we use struts 2 UI tags in xsl files? if yes , how do we do it..
14 years ago
I have a form which has a checkbox which needs to be checked by the user , otherwise
error message will be displayed

Am doing this using the method addFieldError and a properties file
which contains the message to be displayed..

But the message is not displayed. It works fine with textfields but not with checkbox
Am using struts2

Thanks in advance

14 years ago
I have 2 sets of checkboxes . Both sets are under different div tags and there are 3 checkboxes in each set. When i check any checkbox of the 2nd set, all the checkboxes of the first set should be disabled. and when a checkbox of the 2nd set is unchecked , all the checkboxes of the 1st set should be enabled

How to achieve this ?

Thanks in advance..
Nope. how do we use the position() function
Hi guys,
I need suggestions for a XSL related problem.

I have a XML which contains employment history of users. There can be multiple records depending upon users history.
On this XML, a XSL file is applied. For each of the employment records , different styles are to be applied. Hence I am retrieving the data in <xsl:for-each>. For 1st record if <div class="class1"> is applied , for 2nd record <div class="class2"> should be applied and hence forth.. How can i dynamically do this as number of records is not known before..

Thanks in adavance
I need to create a jsp which will have 4 links .
All links will be handled by the same action class and when we click any of the links
some hidden parameters need to be passed.
Please suggest how the jsp can be created using struts 2 tags
14 years ago
Hi Smitesh and Paul
can you please provide some sample code to show how to do it in filters..
How to store a value in session when user goes to login.jsp
and check for the value when user goes to success.jsp
So that user cant go directly to success.jsp
How to do it all in a Filter
14 years ago
I want 2 have a method loadData in struts2 action class and no execute method
what configurations have to be done in struts.xml so that loadData method is called
14 years ago
How can i achieve the following?
As we know Struts 2 action classes have an execute method which returns a string.In my action class execute method, I call a method which returns a page name as a string.. the page name will be different as per the business logic.

How can i return the page string and map it in struts.xml ?

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago
I am just testing out writing a dynamic web project in eclipse.
I have a login.jsp page .. if the user is successfully logged in , he goes to success.jsp page.

How can i prevent the users from directly going to the success page by typing the url to success page..
For now, i have just hard coded the user name and password in a java class
14 years ago
I can do the following


but the above line of code returns an object
How do i recast it to SomeClass which is the original class name.
14 years ago
lets suppose

String className = com.rajiv.SomeClass

How can i make an object of SomeClass?
14 years ago
How do we use ValueStack to get form values , and request header values like RemoteAddr?
14 years ago
In struts 2 , how do we get the client ip address in an action class or any other class
without using HttpServletRequest object?
14 years ago