V Srinivasan

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Design Pattern, in a strict sense, A, E, F and P are somewhat connected, rest are all merely plain.
A. Flower Girl - colorful different objects one upon another giving a soothing emotional impact, exactly fits into Design Pattern paradigm.
E. Blonde with Stripes - Each stripe not related to another, not in conjunction with the Design Pattern.
F. Plaid guy - Checked - lots of intersections, not good example of Design Pattern.
P. Biker Couple - very loosely connected.

So, finally I vote for A. Flower Girl.


V. Srinivasan

20 years ago
Technically speaking, I�d also like to vote for A: Flower Girl. Look at her, she has sound Factory Methods (beautiful, charming, etc.), excellent structural & flashing behavioural attributes and perfectly fits into Model-View-Control Framework. Possibly leading to Readers Most Frequently Referred Page (and others Frequently Visited Page ).
(Straight competition to commercial books-they have to find out some alternate to insert in their cover page, may be wildlife.)
20 years ago
Logically speaking, I vote for J: Black Shirt Guy. Design Pattern is definitely a mission critical task and its a kind of mechanism or logical path, how to bring down the conceptual structure to conventional language. Only experienced people can share their technics as to how the good design patterns looks. See this Black Shirt Guy how happy and relaxed hands free pose. He knows the Design Pattern inside technics of HF-DP book, he found the solution for his problem. Study the HF-DP book, you will also feel happy as good as this Black Shirt Guy.
(Certainly, I don�t say that you will lose hair if you read it or you have to shave your head before reading, certainly not )

PS: One interesting thing I noticed about HF books cover page logic- a kind of invitation to the readers to pick the book�
HF Java : A man raised eyebrow, slightly lifted specs - depicts a microscopic, in-depth view on Java
HF EJB : A man Arms Crossed - Know how to code EJB and watch simply arms crossed what it does for you.
[ September 08, 2004: Message edited by: V Srinivasan ]
20 years ago
You can do Session management also, through that you can set one session can have one data to insert, something like that.
22 years ago
Hi Doug,
1. Check the syntex for loading the Driver and Connection
2. All HTML tags in "quotes" in out.println instead of System
Hopefully you will get some result.
Can anybody tell me about WebRowSet class ?!...
The Adrenaline Group
I found this at java.sun.com
V Srinivasan
[ May 17, 2002: Message edited by: V Srinivasan ]
22 years ago
I think instead of checking the variable with "" try to find the length, if it is 0 set myVar to null.
22 years ago
Hi Pranit,
Now I caught your problem, dont use textarea instead use text field for each parameter so that you can easily format while retriving. Because from textarea you will get one lengthy string, you cann't determine where you hv to place break.
Hope it is clear
Thanks and regards
V Srinivasan
23 years ago
see this post.
Insert "," like delimeter in yr db, while retrieving take that field and replace "," with \n (escape sequence newline char) to display as you required.
Wish you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year
V Srinivasan
[This message has been edited by V Srinivasan (edited December 31, 2001).]
23 years ago
Thats great Chris,
Thanks for your post. Can you pls tell me where I can get specifications for DOM.
How can I insert a tag in current page (i.e. without opening new page) on performing some task like onclick/onmouseover etc. If I do document.write it opens a new page. I want to show that tag in current page at particular point between two tags. Any clue how to do this.
Thank you very much for your response, I found the problem.
[This message has been edited by V Srinivasan (edited November 13, 2001).]
In Access Autonumber has been defined as LongInteger. I want to assign this Autonumber in a field in my application. I failed to assign it in int, long, String. Any clue how can I store this autonumber. Basically I want to use it for future call of query.
Please help me.
V. Srinivasan
Thank you Chantal for your prompt response. I am going through that article.