Ali Hadian

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since Jun 25, 2010
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I'm designing a web page and I need to use Javascript to read a XML document and fill some parts of the page with it.

The problem is: "The XML should be created dynamically by Servlet/JSp/any_j2EE_server_side_tool."
Because: "The xml is customized for each user and his preferences"

Now, What is the solution?
what shall I code on server?
what in the JavaScirpt code?
which technology best fits for me? (JSP? servlet? ...?)

Please guide me in a step-by-step manner. please (if possible) show me some lines of code)

Complementary Question:
In the client side code, is it possible to avoid AJAX-style code? (Such that the javascript use the XML directly and do not need to request it from server). in the other word, I prefer that the browser download the XML itself.

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago


We have written a Desktop Application (Library Management System) with C#.Net.
Due to a customer request, we need to convert it to a Web application and we are forced to use the JSP-Servlet approach.

I have some questions:

1. Is it possible in JSP-Servlet to connect to MS SQL database and use all its features (ex. Stored Procedures)

2. What is the best solution to provide the "Object-Relational Mapping" (convert queries to Objects and vice versa).

3. Do you suggest using EJB? why?
3.1. if the answer is positive, is it better to use "Container Managed Persistence" OR "Bean Managed Persistence"?? and Why?

Thanks in advance.