I signed my MIDlet App using the following steps !
I am just copying the commands,
keytool -genkey -alias Huzefa -keyalg RSA -validity 365 -keystore silentmmobile.sks
keytool -export -alias Huzefa -keystore silentmmobile.sks -file silentmmobile.crt
jarsigner -keystore silentmmobile.sks -storepass netpace SilentMMobile.jar Huzefa
java -jar D:\tools\wkt23\bin\JadTool.jar -addcert -alias Huzefa -storepass netpace -keystore silentmmobile.sks -inputjad SilentMMobile.jad -outputjad SilentMMobile.jad
java -jar D:\tools\wkt23\bin\JadTool.jar -addjarsig -alias Huzefa -jarfile D:\Huzefa\J2MEPractise\SilentMMobile\dist\SilentMMobile.jar -keystore silentmmobile.sks -storepass netpace -keypass netpace -inputjad SilentMMobile.jad -outputjad SilentMMobile.jad
After performing all the above process, I copied the SilentMMobile.jar, SilentMMobile.jad, and silentmmobile.crt in the Mobile Sony Ericcson P990i and also on N95.
Then add the cretificate by clicking on the silentmmobile.crt
Then click on the SilentMMobile.jar
Installation started and at the end of the installation,
Error Appeared: That is,
Security Information
Component failed security check
Cannot install.
Authentication Failed.
Please any one can tell me the reason
I will be thank full....