David Treves

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since Nov 21, 2001
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I am working on a web application, the HTML page that the user sees contains two frames upper frame (containing the applet) and the lower frame.
When the user clicks some button in the applet I want the applet to get the site address that the lower frame displays. This raises a security issue.
In order to avoid the problem I tried to invoke JavaScript function to do it, but I found that JavaScript is restricted to access the location of another frame (unless both frames are under the same domain name, again, security issues).
How do you think I can over come that restriction? Will a signed applet do the trick? If so, how do I do it from a signed applet?
Can a signed applet access the instance of the window containing it? If so, how?

Thanks for your time!
23 years ago

Originally posted by Daniel Dunleavy:
It may be a case where you should be using unicode instead of ascii.
David - What do you mean by that, isn't Java is Unicode based? using PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream() is unicode baed (according to the API).
I believe you also need to set up your columns as nvarchar (there are unicode equivalents to char, varchar, etc)

I am trying to insert Hebrew characters into a VARCHAR column in a MSSQL Server 7.0 database. I am using the JdbcOdbcBridge on jdk1.3.01_1
w/ win2000. It does not want to accept the characters... All Hebrew character become "???" (question marks).
I tried to set a Properties object with charSet property set to
"ISO-8859-1" (which supports Hebrew).
Another trial was to use PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream (which supports Unicode!!!).
I tried you use setByteStream() into a BINARY column.
I tried to serialize the whole String with the Hebrew data into a
BINARY column.
Everytime I select the data it comes out with "???". I know that the problem is during inserting the data, because when I type Hebrew data in the Enterprise Manager (directly to the table), the application manages to select the Hebrew data properly.

Any idea???