Manu dv

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I think using datatable would not be ideal in this case.
Using datatable you could present your questions like this

where [0] represents a radio bottom.
The problem here is that each radio button is independent of each other as there seems to be no way to link these using <h:selectOneRadio> and <f:selectItem> as each selectItem will be in a different <h:column> sub tag of the <h:dataTable>. So they would not behave as a group of radio buttons, user would be able to select all four options at once.

I think the way you should proceed is to have a page for each question and a <h:selectOneRadio> with 4 <f:selectItem> tags with itemLabel mappings to the answer strings.
14 years ago
thanks Sashi. <managed-property> is the kind of thing I was looking for.
14 years ago
may be it's a dumb reply, but is it the (a) preview pane you are talking about or (b) the actual app deployed on the web server and viewed through browser.
If it (a) then don't worry about it it will be ok when you actually deploy it.

if it's (b) then you must have felt like after reading the above two line.
In that case I don't have any concrete suggestions coz this never happened to me before. However you could check if your project path includes the jsf implementation jars and that the 'UserBean' has proper entry in <managed-bean> section.
14 years ago
use the [ code ] [ /code ] tag for code because otherwise your post becomes very difficult to read.

I don't think you need to specify both <from-action> and <from-outcome>
The navigation section of faces-config like this should be enough.

14 years ago
Can you give a link to the page where I can see the program you are trying out ?

14 years ago

Shasi Mitra wrote:Hi - Is "loginBean" declared as managed bean in faces config? In that case, once you click login button, name and password values are populated in the bean.

Yes, it is. And name & password were getting populated properly. I was not sure what was the standard way to retrive the instance of LoginBean from the session inside LoginHandler.doAuthentication().

I asked around and found that the way to do that is via FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().
I tried this and it's working now.

14 years ago
I have form which takes user name and password and populates it into a backing 'LoginBean'

On press of button "Login" another class LoginHandler is supposed to do processing on the instance of LoginBean.
It has a property to accept the 'LoginBean' instance:

How do I populate userInfo in LoginHandler class. Is it via <f:parm> tag in <h:commandButton> in the form or some other way?

soory if it is a noob question, I am just starting out with JSF.

14 years ago
Hi All,
We* needs to create a web based diagramming tool for various digram types such as use-case, class, BPMN etc.
I was wondering if any one here has tried out such a thing in java fx?
Any open source projects on this lines that you have heard of?

Basically I want to get a look at the code base a similar project. What I actually want to find out is - what kind of effort it would need to set up a generic diagramming frame work, by that I mean things like a tool pallette, drag-n-drop, auto-layout etc.

(*we=team of 2-3 people people who have some experiance in creating GEF based diagramming tool as eclipse plugin, but not much experiance in web except jsp,servlets etc)
14 years ago