kasim sert

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since Jul 02, 2010
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Recent posts by kasim sert

Hi all,

When i am adding some new nodes to an existing xml element everything seems fine but new document does not contain entity reference node.Can anybody tell me please why I loose entity reference although i dont make any processing with it ? Do i need to set some attribute not to loose it ?

here is my code;

doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse("myxml.xml");

XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
NodeList nodes = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate("//A/B[@name='C']", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);

Element entry = doc.createElement("entry");
Attr valueAttribute = doc.createAttribute("value");

// append attribute
// save the result
Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
xformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult("myxml.xml"));

Thank you.
13 years ago

I am developing an eclipse plugin.In this, I am trying to parse wsdl by using wsld4j api.While i try this with an desktop application it works.but when i am usign same parse code inside my plugin i encounter ClassformatError at the line of fault.getMessage().getOrderedParts(null).When i am pushing method call by reflection and casting to right implementation object then on another line i got Verificationerror.
I feel its somewhat related with eclipse classpath issue, and i tried to merge all related jars in to one single jar but nothing changed.
Any comment why this problem can occur ?

Full stack trace like below

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:224)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.defineClass(DefaultClassLoader.java:161)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.defineClass(ClasspathManager.java:501)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findClassImpl(ClasspathManager.java:471)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findLocalClassImpl(ClasspathManager.java:430)

Thanks in advance.

My question is about eclipse plugin.I have a few view opened and want to disable view(Disabling all widgets in this view) from another view.
I got the reference of target view by page.findView() but couldnt find how to disable this view.Is there a way for this?

Thank you in advance.
13 years ago

In my project I am reporting some statistics by jmx html adapter on html. It has a default page with default layout like below.
I want to change something on this html;
1)bypass the entrance page and directly pass to my main statistic page
2)want to add a combobox for service selection on that page

can anybody tell me if these are possible ?

I googled it but coulndt find any related information.

Agent View
Filter by object name:

This agent is registered on the domain DefaultDomain.
This page contains 3 MBean(s).
List of registered MBeans by domain:

* Adaptor
o class=com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer

* JMImplementation
o type=MBeanServerDelegate

* org.mule
o type=org.mule.Statistics,name=AllStatistics
14 years ago
I am using iReport 3.7.2 table element.adding a query on it which produces 38 records.and when ı tryto preview it produces like 77 pages (38 times same table(table which has 38 records in)).Do anyone know why this problem occurs ??
thanks in advance.
Compiler give errors about packages starting with "org.openide".i think these packages somewhat related with netbeans.anyway ı am searching these jars on internet and will add to the classpath.
thanks for replies.
Hello all,
I have downloaded ireports source file folder.they have build.xml file in(generated by netbeans).when i try to import this project to eclipse it gives compile errors.
Is there a way for eclipse to import netbeans projects ?
Thanks in advance.
Cyristal reports is fine but we want something that we can modify source code according to our needs.I am not sure if we can modify cyristal report source code and also its not java based as far as I know.
hello everbody,

We are searching for a enterprise level good reporting tool which will be used for a big size bank.we are searching something very easy to design on design tool (even nontechnical persons can make design templates on it).On client side .net or java is not important but at the server side we want to use java based product.

Can you please name me such products if you know any??

Thanks a lot.

PS: We are already evaluating jasperreports-ireports.