Andrei Antonescu

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since Jul 08, 2010
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Recent posts by Andrei Antonescu

Hello all,

I am currently working with Hibernate and Sql Server 2008. The question is if the webapp is running and I am modifying the data in the tables of the database (tables that Hibernate mapped to objects in my webapp) will that influence Hibernate in any way ?
Will it crash ?

Thanks in advance,
Hello all,

I am trying to design a high availability webapp. The question is how can I design it so that I can add new functions to the software on a dalily basis without stopping the webapp.
It doesn't matter what server I will run the webapp (Tomcat, Jboss etc), you can choose one.

I am thinking to use JBoss clustering, stop one node, update it and turn it on, then stop the other and do the same. I don't really think that this will work without a bit of downtime.

Tanks in advance.

12 years ago
Hello all,

I wanted to ask you if you think that JMX is a old and "should not be used anymore" technology. Is there a substituent for this technology ?

12 years ago

I have a beginner's question. Is Tomcat a servlet container ?
Each webapp runs in it's own servlet container or am I confusing smth-ing ?
If that is the case then Tomcat is a webserver that has the capability of creating servlet containers not just one big servlet container for all the webapps right ?

Please help.
12 years ago
Sorry If I am wrong. I don't really know if this is the issue you are asking about:

12 years ago
My main issue is not how to alert the user's browser that he must show a popup window with the alarm. My issue is more about how to make the server-side code realise that there has been a table change in the database (without constant querying).

Well the webapp is going to popup an alert. The issue here is that the alert must be popped up as soon as possible(under 1 second).
Hello all,

I use Tomcat. If I put a JDBC driver into Tomcat's lib folder, and another in the lib folder of my webapp will there be a conflict ? Is there a rule by which one of the drivers always gets loaded first ?

Thanks in advance,
Thanks for the reply,
I am thinking to execute a .exe program from a trigger placed on the table that I want to query for changes. The exe would connect to a tcp port of my webapp and tell it that the table has changed.
Thanks for the native2ascii tip. Sounds like a very useful tool for me.

Now I know that I really wanted to ask about UNICODE. Took me a while to find out.
So I shall use UNICODE characters in a properties file in order to translate my webapp to arabic.

12 years ago

Thanks for the Eclipse tip. I shall try it.

I am using Netbeans 7.1 and JBoss 6.10. I don't really know what Netbeans is talking about. It doesn't give me any details.
It seems Netbeans 7.1 seems to "work" with JBoss 6.0, but It makes my Netbeans very slow, and sometimes it just crashes.

So If Eclipse is that good, I shall stop using Netbeans at this project.

12 years ago
Hello all,

I have a Java script that must instantly know when a row in a table is modified. How can I do this without constantly query-ing the database. Query-ing the database each second to see if there are changes is a bad idea for me.
The database is MS Sql Server 2008 but I don't think is important.

Thanks in advance
Hello all,

I am a beginner at JBOSS. I usually use Netbeans 7. I have added the JBOSS 6.10 as a server in Netbeans 7 and unfortunately it doesn't work. It can't find the "" file.
Can you please help me fix this? Or please suggest a better IDE for working with JBOSS.

Thanks in advance
13 years ago
Thanks for helping.

The problem was indeed the fact that I was using executeQuery for a procedure that generates a report (the stored procedure may or may not return a "ResultSet").

I change it to "execute()" and got the ResultSet with if(...).. getResultSet() and I'ts working.
Thanks for posting. I am using StringBuilder.

I have a webapp that generates reports. It takes the report from the database, then uses string concatenation to build a json object that will later send to the client side (javascript).
Sometimes JSON objects are quite big.
A different approach would be to generate an XML directly at the database level and just send it to the client. The CPU doesn't go to 100%, it goes to something like 70% and there are a lot of requests to the webserver.
Can you please indicate me a better way of send data to the javascript side (javascript takes the data via ajax) ?.
13 years ago