Raksha Mishra

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since Jul 11, 2010
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Recent posts by Raksha Mishra

I did not run it at the right level.. Thanks all the problem got resolved.
12 years ago
Hi All ,

I am using Netbeans 7.0.1 with glassfish server . I wrote a servlet under source package .The web.xml file also has the servlet details mentioned in it .However , when I try to compile the file ...It compiles successfully , but there is no .class file generated under WEB-INF ...because of which when I try to run it ..I get the following error message :

"Class xxx neither has a main method nor it is a servlet defined in web.xml " ...

Please help ...Thanks in advance ...

12 years ago
Hi ,

The problem got resolved by increasing heap memory size by typing Xmx1024m in the config.ini file . Thanks once again .
The server is WASv6.1 . There is enough RAM : 1.94GB . I wonder what the problem is or perhaps how to rectify it . It's an office machine . Is it an installation issue ? Anyway, thanks for the help .
Hi All ,

I am getting this error on RAD when I try to start the server :: ' An out of memory error has occurred. Consult the "Running Eclipse" section
of the read me file for information on preventing this kind of error in the
future. You are recommended to exit the workbench'. There is enough space on the disk but why is the VM showing low memory for work-bench .. Please help . Thanks.
Hi All ,

I have been trying to run some jsp/servlet code on IBM RAD . But each time it gives me the error :
WebContainer E SRVE0017W: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /Dice/roll1.droll has not been defined. Is this an access related issue or that the software has not been properly installed .

Which means the result of the comparison is assigned to the first constant , be it positive or negative...Thanks a lot guys...
Hi All,

Answer is 'Good' ...Firstly when we say s2-s1 reverses the natural order ....how does that really happen..Secondly , after the first comparison : s1 = Good , s2 = Bad...once this is sorted ..the next call to compare would take which ' two' strings ?? Will it be the 2nd sorted element versus the new element...How does it work really ?? please help..thanks a lot....
Thanks a lot everybody...
Hi ,

Self test (Kathy Sierra Ch3 :Q1) :-

When //doStuff is reached how many objects are eligible for GC ?

----I was wondering why only c1 & it's Short object are eligible for GC ....c3 is assigned a null reference via c1.go(c2){c2=null}....won't that be eligible as well ??
please help...Thanks in advance...