Linda Janes

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since Nov 22, 2001
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Hi friends,
I have defined an extra tag <mytag> in the DTD. Hence when this document is shown in a JTextPane it doesn't show the ugly mytag markers.
However when I try an apply css to the tag it remains unchaged.
cs.addRule("mytag { Color : blue; }");
Any ideas ?

Linda Janes
23 years ago
Hi friends,
I'm trying to create a 'simple' html/xml editor, where I can highlight a word/s then click a button which applies a markup tag to the selection.
Also depending on the markup tag the editor pane would show a visual change (but not the makup tag) i.e.
shows only the word sky in blue.
I've tryed using a JTextPane() along with the HtmlEditorKit(), as the editor kit only supports HTML 3.2 it would required me to append my markup tags to the SGML DTD (rather complicated).
If this indeed does work, it still leaves me pondering how to show a visual change, without affecting the markup.
Linda Janes
[This message has been edited by Linda Janes (edited November 22, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Linda Janes (edited November 22, 2001).]
23 years ago