I do think as you, but do you think that would be a good usage to a converter as NoneScoped? Instead the RequestScoped?Tim Holloway wrote:I'd forgotten there even was such a thing!
The URL you referenced seems to have a good explanation. If you are coding EL and you need the EL to reference a "throwaway" bean that exists only for the duration that that particular EL expression is being evaluated, NoneScoped would be suitable. Not that I've ever needed to do that, but it would allow you to offload complex computations and other data manipulations into Java code instead of doing them in EL - which is both potentially an MVC violation and definitely ato debug,
From that usage, I think I could consider them as a UI equivalent to Session EJBs, only something between stateless and stateful; stateful EJBs would retain scope between uses, whereas the NoneScoped beans would simply be discarded.
I do not think this is possible.SHINU SHINU.R wrote:Hi
i would like to insert into table using HQL query.I searched lot of net...but allinsert query are reference to another tavles
i would like to kno wwhat is hql query for
your help really appreciated
Yup.Jeena Jeen wrote: Soon I am going to start work on a new project for which some part is in Hibernate. So do you think if I only read about JPA then it should sufficient?