Rafael Monteiro Dourado

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since Jul 29, 2010
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Recent posts by Rafael Monteiro Dourado

14 years ago

Monu Tripathi wrote:"Write a wise saying and your name will live forever" -- Anonymous

14 years ago
Imagine a table "user" with the columns :

id | name | last_request

And with the setInterval function you update the last_resquest every minute. When the last_request of an user is smaller than current time plus one minute, that user is off .

in line 28 write :

$returned_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
14 years ago
guy this book is old, try another one like the "PHP 5 Power Programming" .
14 years ago

Rafael : The cure of God ( Raphael too)
Monteiro : something about mountain
Dourado : is "golden" in portuguese
14 years ago
Well i think that you should do an ajax request to update that user status with setInterval .

John Eipe , javascript works in url, but the code can't have errors .

that code will not run, cuz it's wrong: