Lin Zhao

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since Jul 31, 2010
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I installed Community Version IntelliJ IDEA Version 2017.3.5 on my iMac running macOS High Sierra 10.13.3.  I tried to setup a Shortcut Key to access JavaDocs online but the sequence "Shift F1" does not work.  I did the following:
1) From the Welcome Screen select ->CONFIGURE->PROJECT DEFAULTS->PROJECT STRUCTURE (See attachment)
2) Java Version 1.8 is already selected
4) Bring up dialogue box ->"SPECIFY DOCUMENTATION URL"
5) Entered documentation URL: ""
6) ->APPLY->OK
7) I went back into my project, put caret in code and tried to use the "Shift F1" shortcut to bring up external Java Docs but nothing happens.
8) Then I tried the Menu tab ->VIEW->EXTERNAL DOCUMENTATION and website appears.

I looked online and someone suggested to add the API link to ALL my IntelliJ version installed.  But I only have one version installed for Java 8.

How can I get the shortcut keys "Shift F1" to work to bring up the external doc for Java.

I appreciate your feedback.  Thank you.
6 years ago

I am trying to run the Update Tool that is part of the GlassFish Server V3.
When I run the update tool, I am receiving the following error:

Update Tool was unable to start.
The Python runtime could not be found.
To fix this problem use the UC_IMAGE_PATH environment variable
to provide a path to a valid image.

I am unsure which image to set this variable to? What to point to??

13 years ago

I am trying to run the Update Tool that is part of the GlassFish Server V3.
When I run the update tool, I am receiving the following error:

Update Tool was unable to start.
The Python runtime could not be found.
To fix this problem use the UC_IMAGE_PATH environment variable
to provide a path to a valid image.

I am unsure which image to set this variable to? What to point to??

13 years ago
I want to use Sun Java System Application Server in Netbeans 6.9.1. I tried to add a Server and choose SJSAS 8.2. But get an error about the location "C:\Sun\AppServer." Then I tried to add GlassFish v2.x but get same error. I would like to know how to install the SJSAS in this IDE?? Your suggestions are appreciated??
14 years ago