This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

pinjalim bora

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since Nov 26, 2001
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Recent posts by pinjalim bora

Hi guys...

I am SCJP here...Cleared the exam in sept,2001

I just thought of compiling all the links that helped me in achieving the certification and so came up with few pages that can be accessed in the followwing URL :

Will keep posting materials as and when I come accross...

All The Best
I have a peculiar problem...
I am trying to make a small tool....a small java browser kind of a thing...
I am behind a proxy and so when I call setPage on the jeditorpane it gives 407 error ie.Proxy authentication required.
Now I know how to do it through a URLConnection by setting the Reuest property...But how to do it in this case....
Just putting http.proxyUser and http.proxyPassword in System properties is not working...

Please help
20 years ago
Hi guys...
Two years back, I was a guy frantically searching for SCJP materials in the net.
Now, after being cleared the exam, I would like to share a few resources, that I came across, with u.
I have kept everything in my
Click on "Links" and then Click on "Java"...
Java is platform independent and making it .exe will restrict it from being so...Anyways there are tools available(try in
However u can make executable jar files...which work as well as exe
20 years ago
I am trying to make a small tool to find the class hierarchy of a class given the name of the class with the complete package structure.
I am using Class.forName(classname) to load the classes dynamically and am finding its superclass...
Am also giving an option to change the classpath.I am setting it by using the following command
System.setProperty("java.class.path", existingclasspath + ";" + newclasspath +";"); where neclasspath is a string that is taken fro the user at runtime.
Although this tachnique is changing the classpath env variable but stilll Class.forName id throwwing ClassNotFoundException.How do i go about it.Am giving the whole code....
.Please help.................
Source Code

Code tags added by Michael Morris.
Overly long lines fixed by Jim Yingst.
[ January 20, 2004: Message edited by: Jim Yingst ]
20 years ago
I have a serious problem...
I am making a tool that will dynamicallly load the classes inside a dir strcuture to find the name of a class that has the declaration of a method.I am using the Reflection API...But it has become very slow....

Please suggest

private void findMethod(String mthdname, File pckg) {
File files[] = pckg.listFiles();

for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
} else {
if (files[i].getName().endsWith(".class")) {
try {
String classnme = files[i].getName();
int indexofclass = classnme.indexOf(".class");
Class classname = Class.forName(classnme.substring(0, indexofclass));
Method[] methods = classname.getDeclaredMethods();
for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) {
String methodname = methods[j].getName();
if (methodname.equals(mthdname)) {
boolean nopackage = false;
try {
targetname = methods[j].getDeclaringClass().getName();
targetpackage = methods[j].getDeclaringClass().getPackage().getName();
} catch (NullPointerException nullpointer) {
nopackage = true;
} finally {
if (!nopackage)
System.out.println("Package name: " + targetpackage);
System.out.println("Class name: " + targetname);
} catch (Exception e) {

20 years ago
I have a serious problem...
I am making a tool that will dynamicallly load the classes inside a dir strcuture to find the name of a class that has the declaration of a method.I am using the Reflection API...But it has become very slow....
Please suggest

[Added [ code ] tags - Jim]
[ January 18, 2004: Message edited by: Jim Yingst ]
20 years ago
I am making an application where I need to sort a palette of 256 colors obtained from an Image so that the color that are near to each other in the RGB color model are near to each other in the pallete.
How do i go for it?
With regards
21 years ago
Swing is not running in IE5...
what is the problem....
PLease help
22 years ago
hey ranchers..
I have JDeskTopPane which I have a which i have a JScrollPane...on the scroll pane i have a jlabel on which i have an image set as an icon ...... do i get back a reference to the image....
pls help...
23 years ago
Can anyone pls tel me how do i save a Image object to disk in a gif or jpg format .....
its very urgent...
23 years ago
hey rancher...
please tell me which book to follow for the web component developer examination. I will be grateful.
hi ranchers..
can anyone pls help me to choose a good book for the developers exam....
i would be very grateful...

hi pauline..
sorry i made a mistake
Actually i passed the programmer's exam ....and want togo for the developers exam..
HOw to start....which books to follow..
Pls help.....
I have just passed the develpers exam...
How do i proceed for the developers exam...
which books to follow....
pls advice