I am trying to make a small tool to find the class hierarchy of a class given the name of the class with the complete package structure.
I am using Class.forName(classname) to load the classes dynamically and am finding its superclass...
Am also giving an option to change the classpath.I am setting it by using the following command
System.setProperty("java.class.path", existingclasspath + ";" + newclasspath +";"); where neclasspath is a string that is taken fro the user at runtime.
Although this tachnique is changing the classpath env variable but stilll Class.forName id throwwing ClassNotFoundException.How do i go about it.Am giving the whole code....
.Please help.................
Source Code
Code tags added by Michael Morris.
Overly long lines fixed by Jim Yingst.
[ January 20, 2004: Message edited by: Jim Yingst ]