Neha Khandelwal

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since Aug 04, 2010
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Even I got a similar error. Can anybody please help me out. Ihave done all possible solution which are mentioned above. But still i cant get rid of this error.

Uncaught exception thrown in one of the service methods of the servlet: /WEB-INF/jsp/Customer.jsp. Exception thrown : java.lang.NullPointerException: Module 'null' not found.




Please help me...........from last 5 days i cnnt fix this error... before this error i got Cannt find ActionMapping and ActionForm i got this....

Thanks alotttt ....please reply me ASAP ..
13 years ago
hii plzz tell me how to create our own custom validator and custom tag .

in my struts program i have use validation-user.xml and validation-rule.xml
but this validator are not working

the validation which are working in my program are those which are used in form class method name

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
if (password == null || password.trim().equals(""))
errors.add("password", new ActionError("error.password.required"));

like these validator are working

i want to know why my validator.xml file validation are not working

how i can make Custom Validator and Tag

plzz reply me ....i need help


<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.3.0//EN"

<form name="UserValidationForm">
<field property="loginid" depends="required,maxlength,minlength,mask" >

<msg name="required" key="error.loginid.required" />
<msg name="maxlength" key="error.loginid.length" />
<msg name="minlength" key="error.loginid.length" />
<msg name="mask" key="error.loginid.invalid" />

<arg name="maxlength" key="${var:minlength}" position="0" resource="false"/>
<arg name="maxlength" key="${var:maxlength}" position="1" resource="false"/>

<arg name="minlength" key="${var:minlength}" position="0" resource="false"/>
<arg name="minlength" key="${var:maxlength}" position="1" resource="false"/>

<arg key="UserValidationForm.loginid"/>




<field property="password" depends="required,maxlength,minlength,mask">

<msg name="required" key="error.password.required" />
<msg name="maxlength" key="error.password.length" />
<msg name="minlength" key="error.password.length" />
<msg name="mask" key="error.password.invalid" />

<arg name="maxlength" key="${var:minlength}" position="0" resource="false"/>
<arg name="maxlength" key="${var:maxlength}" position="1" resource="false"/>

<arg name="minlength" key="${var:minlength}" position="0" resource="false"/>
<arg name="minlength" key="${var:maxlength}" position="1" resource="false"/>

<arg key="UserValidationForm.password"/>




<field property="retypepassword" depends="validwhen">

<msg name="validwhen" key="error.retypepassword.notmatch" />

<arg key="UserValidationForm.retypepassword"/>

(password == *this*)

<field property="emailaddress" depends="required,email">

<msg name="required" key="error.emailaddress.required" />
<msg name="email" key="error.emailaddress.invalid" />

<arg key="UserValidationForm.password"/>



validation entry in struts-config.xml

<message-resources parameter="com.yashdc.strutsexample.resources.ApplicationResources" key="StrutsExample"/>

<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn" >
<set-property property="pathnames"
value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml, /WEB-INF/validator-user.xml"/>

Form Class which contain validate method this validation are running but not the validation-user.xml

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request) {
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

if (loginid == null || loginid.trim().equals(""))
errors.add("loginid", new ActionError("error.loginid.required"));
if (password == null || password.trim().equals(""))
errors.add("password", new ActionError("error.password.required"));
if (retypepassword == null || retypepassword.trim().equals(""))
errors.add("retypepassword", new ActionError("error.retypepassword.required"));
13 years ago
you know how to deploy ear file in WAS???
13 years ago
Hello .........

i m a fresher and my sir give me a task in which i have to deploy a ear file in websphere application server(WAS) using ANT .

plzzzzz help me in dis.....

plzz provide me some example how to deploy it in WAS.....i have search alott on dis topic

13 years ago