Senthil Kumar Sekar

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since Aug 08, 2010
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Recent posts by Senthil Kumar Sekar

Is there any open source API available in market for the below purpose.

I will have input CSV file from which i need to extract data from certain positions and place it a specific position in output CSV(which is new one).

Later on i might have different input and output formats But for now i have CSV as the supproted formats.

Any suggestions for this.Do we have any open API existing for this?

I am not sure if i am using correct terminology and unable to fetch results from google.


Senthil Kumar Sekar

Currently i have exposed webservices from a web application running in a weblogic server.

I have used Spring,hibernate etc., for development.

I have different categories of services, so i have 3 wsdls - http://xxxx/APP/abc.wsdl, http://xxxx/APP/def.wsdl, http://xxxx/APP/xyz.wsdl.

whenever i add a new category(new WSDL), i will redeploy the entire application

Iam thinking of incremental deployment(not sure if this is the right term) where i should plugin a jar by which i should be able to expose a new WSDL.

This will make sure that the deployment will not affect the already running services.

Below are my development steps

1) update web.xml to add new WSDL for respective url

2) create a new xsd for schema definition.

Whenever i want to expose a new wsdl,

1) i will have java files developed
2) will have the respective XXXX-servlet.xml which will be picked by spring container based on the web.xml updates mentioned in step 1.

Any suggestions how to proceed with above.

Please let me know in case you need additional information.


Senthil Kumar Sekar
Thanks Jai. I got it done by having the additive="false" property.
I want certain logs(irrespective of log levels) in console and certain others in File.BUT NOT IN BOTH.
Is it possible to implement the same using log4j?

Hi All,
Below is my understanding with respect to OSGi.Kindly let me know in case iam not correct in any aspect.

1) OSGi helps us to break the application into modules called Bundles.
2) So, OSGi acts like a local server where in we deploy our bundles in a jar.
3) The Dependencies are to be mentioned in the Manifest file (Just like .classpath file created in eclipse)
4) Bundle Activator is the java class that is created using OSGi API which need to override some method which is automatically when started the server.This is somthing like main method in standalone class (or) doGet() in a servlet which initiates the action
5) Apart from the above we can also configure listeners when a task has to be performed on an event
6) We can also contact other bundles which is similar to Webservices.

Kindly let me know any other benefits/purpose.

Below are my questions

1) Need Real time scenarios/Application where OSGi is used
2) Need the purpose, since am still not able to understand the purpose after going through a lot of stuff
3) Or it is used only for development purpose - If so, why cant we use JUNIT to test the modules.
Just want to make myself very clear to make it Simple Straight
My understanding is to publish,consume a web services, we make use JAX-WS(previously it was JAX-RPC) API which is ported with Java 6 version.

Now, can anyone tell me

What is the role of

(i) Axis
(ii) CXF
(ii) Metro

??? - Please mention if i had missed any in the above list

Moreover my understanding for consuming web services is to

(i) Get WSDL for the web services - which will expose the details of web service.
(ii) We send a SOAP Request which is an XML which will have the name of the method ie., web service, parameters etc.,
(iii) Once the web service processes the SOAP request, it will send the SOAP response which will have the return values.

The above mentioned steps is carried out with the help of JAX-WS API.

Anybody, Kindly let me know if my understanding is wrong?

Please add your thoughts on this to make it as a discussion.

But the online tutoril to create a simple web service in ECLIPSE is different.I dont understand.... Anybody can throw some light on this too....

Excuse me for my query to be bit large

12 years ago
First of all.I would like to apologise everyone for asking this repeated question(may be)

I seriously need a good tutorial for webservices.

Lots of terminology are used in different tutorials when i surfed.

and realised that Only solution is to start learning properly.

So somebody suggest me some good book/tutorial for beginners.

I went through many tutorials(it means MANYYY) i am not able to clearly understand.

Below is the i understood on a high level.

Any functionality/operation will be exposed as a service by the provider.

1) Consumer will search for one in UDDI registry.
2) Will get a WSDL as a result of search which has the details of the service etc.,
3) Send a SOAP Request as XML
4) Get SOAP response as XML

This is the only thing i understood.Cant proceed with a single step ahead of this.

So somebody suggest me some good book/tutorial for beginners.
12 years ago
My understanding is that two events is said to be mutually exclusive when those two events cannot occur at the same time.

Now, Mutually exclusive lock is two threads cannot acquire object lock at the same time?

So, Acquiring Object's lock (when entering Synchronised block/method) is said to be mutually exclusive lock which is always?


Senthil Kumar Sekar
Does Main thread runs parallely with the thread being created in the same thread?

Sometimes the output come as 4950 and sometime it comes as 0.

I heard that thread behavior cannot be judged.But this looks more weird - Both threads runs simultaneously and main thread gets completed before child thread?

I guess they are considered as 2 separate threads and not parent and child here.Is that so?

Actually iam not passing any Runnable object.I am just creating it by

Thread thread = new java.lang.Thread();

iam not creating the object for subclass of Java.lang.Thread.

What does this indicate?

Ok then, Code in both the below blocks will be executed not more than one thread at a time.

What does someObject & MyClass.class in synchronized block indicate?

Static methods can be synchronized.
Does it means that the static data (which is the single copy for the entire class) is blocked?


// some synchronized stuff

In the above code, static data of MyClass is locked?

Please let me know if i am on the wrong front.


Senthil Kumar Sekar

What does

Thread thread = new Thread();

Which thread instance will be started ?

Hi All,
I was going through many links on Weak Reference,Weak HashMap.
Still iam not clear.So, I have chosen this 2 way communication.
Can anybody explain me?


Senthil Kumar Sekar
12 years ago

Hi All,
Iam still not cleared with the purpose of Marker Interface inspite of reading many articles.I think one way communiction on this topic will not help me in understanding and so this thread.

Cloneable is a Marker Interface.

When we call clone() on an object - this will throw CloneNotSuppException if the class does not implement Cloneable interface.

So, I need to implement Cloneable - Whats the advantage/benefit/point here.Why not the developer just can call clone() irrespective of not implementing Cloneable interface???

Can anybody explain me here?


Senthil Kumar Sekar

12 years ago