Niral Trivedi

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since Nov 26, 2001
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Recent posts by Niral Trivedi

Hi All,

I am looking for something similar to struts plugin concept for Spring. Meaning, just how you can write a plugin class for Struts app where you do some work only once at context startup and can store results in context level variable. So, that you don't have to repeat that work for every single request. I want to achieve same thing for my spring web context. Any idea how can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

Can anybody tell me which version of WSAD works with JDK1.4? I am using WSAD 5.1.0 and I was able to change the JRE to 1.4 by going in to Windows->Preferece->Installed JRE. But that will work only at compiler level. Still if I start my local WSAD server, it says its using JRE1.3.1_02. I found some posting saying I can not change it. So, now if I want to upgrade to newer version, will WSAD 5.1.2 work?

Thanks all in advance.
18 years ago
there is a hashtable argument to the constructor of custom socketFactory. I believe we can pass the keystore file name/pass using this hashtable. But how can we populate this values in that hashtable?? Any idea?

I have looked through Axis-users mailing list archive and other resources and found that people were having this issue but could not find solution to this.

Please help..
19 years ago
Hi All,

I am now successfully able to use Axis with my own SocketFactory class to make external SOAP webservice call. But having a little problem.

I am currently making 3 SOAP call to 3 different URL and for I have stored keystore for all 3 websites in same file. This runs fine but I was wondering whether it is possible to have 3 different keystore files instead of one. But I am not sure how will I get it working?

I tried loading 3 different keystore files one by one in my custom SocketFactory class but only the last one gets loaded. First 2 call give 'SSLHandshakeError : Unknown CA'.

Can somebody give any idea? If I create 3 separate SocketFactory class one each for one keystore then how can I tell Axis to load which socketFactory for which call?

Thanks in advance
19 years ago
Hi All,

I am using Axis client to connect to a webservice. And we have to use proxy to connect to external URL. So, how do I set proxy setting for my Axis client? I have seen only one way of doing it and that is by setting System property using

But I do not want to use this as this will be a System level setting. I know that with old Apache SOAP, you can use SOAPHttpConnection.setProxyHost method which will do setting only at connection level.

Any similar way available with Axis?

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago

I am also having similar problem when trying to connect to a WS using Axis client.

Can somebody tell me what should be the value for
? I tried setting it to blank and some other value but I get this error regardless. What is the significance of this property?

19 years ago
Hi Ulf,

Thanks for such a quick response. I checked the article in that thread. But isn't it also setting System properties for truststore file location and password? Basically I can not do System.setProperty.

I have found somewhere how to read truststore using KeyStore and KeyManagerFactory classes from jsse package. But I do not know how can I use them with Axis. So, can you point me to something in that direction?

I have found this link : but this is for apache SOAP and that did not work for me for Apache SOAP so I am not sure whether I can try that with Axis as well or not.

19 years ago
Hi All,

Can somebody please point me to any resources where I can find how can I write Web Service client using Apache Axis which connects to https URL?

I have found some which are doing and and then using SOAPHttpConnection and Call Interface to make SOAP call. But I can not use System.setProperty as our system environment does not allow that. So, what else can I use? I found examples to use KeyStore and KeyManagerFactory classes but I am not sure how can I use them with Axis?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
19 years ago
Hi All,
Can anybody give me some advise or point me to some resources that tell me how can I to SSL connection using SOAPHttpConnection class?

Basically, we have a web service client which connects to external SSL url. And currently to set up SSL, we use standard and
. And then use SOAPHttpConnection and org.apache.soap.rpc.Call class to do webservice call.
But now We are changing from JRUN to Websphere environment and we are not allowed to do . So, what will be the best approach to achieve the same thing what we are doing currently? I have seen some code using KeyStore and KeyManagerFactory but I am not sure how can I use them to tell SOAPHttpConnection to use the SSLContext that I have set up?

Please help.
19 years ago

I want to put filename in <jsp:include> tag dynamically using a variable. but it is not working.

I am trying following:

<jsp:include page="foo/bar/<%= fileName %>" flush="true"></jsp:include>

But it is not working. I found somewhere that try using <jsp arams> but has no clue how do I use it.

Thanks in advance.

20 years ago
Hi All,

I am having problem here reading cookie values. I am setting cookie with some information which is little extra but for sure not more than 4KB in size. But still, when I read back that value, it is getting truncated.

I've tried to find a reason for that but no luck. Is there any constraint that it should not be more than 255 chars? I seriously doubut it.

Any idea why this is happening?


20 years ago
Yes.. It worked..
Thanks guys..
20 years ago
Isn't it in 'TO DO' list yet?
20 years ago
Hi All,
Does anybody know how to stop Axis autogenerating WSDL file when we type in url bar something like http://localhost:8080/axis/services/SomeService?WSDL
Documentation says that you can do this using one of the global configuration parameters in server-config.wsdd file. But I could not locate any such information in reference section.
Please help me.
20 years ago
Hi All,
Does anybody know how to stop Axis autogenerating WSDL file when we type in url bar something like http://localhost:8080/axis/services/SomeService?WSDL
Documentation says that you can do this using one of the global configuration parameters in server-config.wsdd file. But I could not locate any such information in reference section.
Please help me.