Mehdi Ben Larbi

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since Aug 17, 2010
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Recent posts by Mehdi Ben Larbi

Welcome Marko,

It's a pleasure to have you here.
I need to fill an ExpandableListView from a database.
I want to know if it's better to use directly a Cursor by extending CursorTreeAdapter or if i should put all of the results in a list and extend a BaseAdapter in terms of performance and efficiency ?

Are we limited with only one question btw ?

Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
Hello everyone,

I'm developing my first android project and I'm using an ExpandableListView to display my tasks by project.I also need to show the task's completion percentage inside the nodes in the form of a progress bar.
I'm facing two big obstacles :

* First,i'm using SimpleExpandableListAdapter as my adapter and it only allow <String,String> maps,how can i get my java object without searching the query result list each time ?
I thought about adding the task ID as an invisible attribute,but i would still have to search my task's list to obtain the java object.

*Second,which widget could i use to display the completion percentage as a progress bar and how can i do this ?

Thanks a lot.
13 years ago

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:
I would guess that SCWCD6 exam will go to production in about 3 months.

On September 30th the EE6 exams beta session was closed, and results processing takes about 10 weeks.


Any feedback about the exam ?
Which books should i use to prepare for it ?
Ok thanks,going back to the tutorial i realize you're right,he's only using HTML components.
Thanks again for the quick answer.

14 years ago
Hello everyone,

I managed to integrate jQuery using another method,i just used the JavaScript feature of JSF :

I followed this tutorial :

I want to know what's wrong with this method ?
Why is everyone advising me to use Richfaces or create my own component instead,it's not clear.
Is it because of JQuery events not being supported by JSF components ?
Any clarification would be welcomed.

14 years ago
Thanks for your answer,it's perfectly clear now.
Should i stick with HFSJ for my preparation ?
It's not very practical for a beginner as myself.
Anyway,thanks for you help.
I'll start coding and see how it goes.

14 years ago

I saw many betas covering almost all the fields of JEE 6 but nothing for SCWCD.
Does this mean that it will be fragmented into many certifications ?
Ideally,i want to take the exam in early 2011 but now i'm wondering if it's worth it.As you know it,you invest a lot of time and effort to prepare for the certification and it would hurt to see that it will not be recognized because of new standards.

Do you have any news regarding this matter ?
Should i go for SCWCD or should i wait ?


Christophe Verré wrote:
If nobody replies, it may be because nobody knows, or you asked at the wrong forum. Or because you should start your own thread when you have a question.

Ok i'll post my question in my own thread,sorry for the disturbance here.
Thanks for you answers,JSF is part of the assignment so i have to use it,if i understood right i have three options :

-Define my own component.
-Use a servlet.
-Add richfaces.

-Not very practical,no wonder why so many people complain about JSF.
14 years ago

Gregg Bolinger wrote:Kind of depends on what you mean by using jQuery with JSF. jQuery is a JavaScript (client side) library. You can use jQuery with JSF since the rendered JSF is just HTML (and JavaScript depending on the JSF library). The trick is knowing how the JSF components will render themselves. And remember that JSF uses the formId:elementId on input element ID rendering.

Thanks for answering.
Well basically i want to use JQuery core ad UI components in the Facelets and maybe communicate with back-end databases ( it's a university assignment ).
I only found the tutorial i posted above and it suggests to create an UIComponent which handles DOM events.
I'm a beginner in jQuery/ajax so is there any simpler way to do it ? Or any tutorial that explains this issue ?

14 years ago
I've asked this question many many times without any answer,do we know when they're going to update the exam ?

The title is explicit,i want to use jQuery with JSF.
I've searched all over the internet to find a solution to this question and i found two options :

-Use Richfaces.
- The solution proposed here to achieve it without any framework :

Is there any other way to get the job done and use jQuery with the facelets ?
I can't find any tutorial online.

Thank you.
14 years ago
Thanks,it's working now i had a bad version.
14 years ago

I have the same problem but i can't execute mvn --version from my maven directory.
I don't know what's the problem ?
14 years ago