I am sorry I wasn't able to put it properly. I'll try again.
In my xml document, information under <Row> tag corresponds to one record in the database, and each <col> represent different columns within it.
I first need to display all the products, basically all <Row> data in products.jsp that leads to editProduct.jsp when the name link is pressed.
Only 'name' represented by second <col> tag value should be displayed as a href link where as, rest of them as plain text.
The href link calls another JSP called editProduct.jsp where I need to pass all the <col> data as parameters values.
So for example, my href link for the below <Row> should be like:
editProduct.jsp?id=3400&name="Black and white"&stat="orderable"&price="300"
Hope I am clearer now. Thank you for your time and help.