Abzee AntiPro

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since Aug 23, 2010
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You just need to empty the writeState method. Dont do anything inside that method. delete all the code inside it.
it should work.
however, it will create a new issue
14 years ago
If the create parameter is true, externalContext creates(if necessary) and return a session instance associated with the current request. If the create parameter is false the externalContext returns any existing session instance associated with the current request, or return null if there is no such session.

Why dont you change your logic a bit and do something like this.

This would be the passive way for achieving the same functionality.
14 years ago
If you want to the valueChangeListener to be called then add a immediate ="true" to the component of valuechange listener.

and write onClick="submit();".

this way shoudl work
14 years ago
Is your application using any phaseListener?

check your faces.config file!!

Many a times, the phase listener checks if the user requesting the page (say admin page) is a valid user who has logged in through the login page?
if the user is not logged in and user data is not in the session. the phase listeners redirects you to login page and asks you to login first.

once you login you can hit the admin page and you wont be redirected.

i hope i got your question right.
14 years ago
I was not getting any error on console. Neither in application logs.
everything was running fine except that small bug on UI
14 years ago
My form tag had a id attribute with it. Even if we miss one, JSF makes sure its generated before rendering it.
However the issue has been resolved now.

I was using a JspTilesViewHandler class for handling the views and that class was a bit outdated.
I had to rewrite the writeState() method under it.

this method is called before the FORM is closed.

14 years ago
Hi Guys,
I recently migrated my project to jsf 1.2 from jsf 1.1.

everything seems to be fine except the <h:form> tag.

i m getting a tag ~com.sun.faces.saveStateFieldMarker~ on every page having <h:form> tag.

If my page has N number of other JSF components, they are getting rendered absolutely fine.

but the page containing the form tag is having this problem.

not sure what could be the reason?

your help will be appreciated.

14 years ago
I dont see any other option besides using javascript on keyPress or KeyUp.
you can limit the number of options under it using javascript.

14 years ago
Are you using AJAX input assistance.
the same like we get while entering the search term in Google?

I m not able to get your question properly i guess
14 years ago
There are hundreds of script written for using a pop-up calendar.

here is one such site.


i m attaching the script for your reference.


PS: open the attachment in a zip file.
It looks like a image file but its a zip archive
14 years ago
Hey, try using "dd/MM/yyyy".
java is case sensitive and sometimes causes issue with case.

also, why do you want the user to input dates manually.
give a small calendar next to the input box and let the user click and decide the date from the pop-up-calendar.

dont make the input text editable so you dont have to write a converter for it.

14 years ago
This happens when the application tries to look the jsf jars in the lib folder and fails to find it.

just keep all the jsf jars in the lib folder and restart the server.
your problem should be solved
14 years ago
Hi Guys,
We recently migrated one of our projects to Websphere application server 7.0 and JSF 1.2.
The application migrated succesfully.
However, I m getting com.sun.faces.saveStateFieldMarker on the bottom of each and every page of the application.
It seems like some JSF migration issue or web.xml configuration issue.
not sure what!!

Not able to solve it.
Its a critical defect and need to be solved asap.

I m not getting any error on the console while publishing or running.

Your help will be appreciated.

I tried to Google and Bing it but in vain
No forum has an answer to this solution.

14 years ago