Sudipta Laha

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since Aug 23, 2010
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I got a solution for the above issue. So i thought to post it here so that it may be helpful to some people.

Instead of using a data grid we can use dojo's enhanced datagrid.
Enhanced data grid contains the plugin for filter. With the use of the filter plugin we can search multiple columns for same or multiple data

To set a filter

to remove a filter

To search data on multiple columns we can use [column: 'anycolumn'] .

This js script can be called from any search box or any other button.

Hope it will help.

For a dojo datagrid we can do grid.filter({ID:"*ss*"}); to filter data having SS in the 'ID' column, This is specific to a column.

Is it possible to do it for the whole table without specifying the column name or with 2 columns with a 'OR' condition in between.
While creating the Thread you are creating a instance of the ClassA, so the instance of classB is not initialized as we are not calling the go method. For this you are getting the NullPointerException.
13 years ago
The class you are compiling has an import statement floor2.floor3.*, but you are compiling inside the floor2 folder. So its giving error. Please modify your import statement and try to compile.
13 years ago
It should be "default" instead of "case default"
13 years ago
I got a solution for this. Dont know if this is the proper way or not. So, posting it here.

Created another libary project and added the common java files used by the application and the MDB.
Inclueded the libary in the war and ejb project.

Will like to know is there are anyother ways for doing this in neatbeans.
Please check the oracle java tutorials.
You will get a lot of links in google too..
13 years ago

I have created a enterprice application. I do have a MDB in the <PROJECTNAME>-ejb folder.

From the mdb i am trying to call a class which is present in the webapplication (ie.. <ProjectName>-war. But its failing in compilation, its telling class not found.

can anyone help me how to configure this issue. I dont want the class to be present in both MDB and war application.

you are printing the objects not the values of your member variables. so you are getting such results.
try to get the object from your array and try using the getter methods to get your desired output.
14 years ago
If i write the code for this. It will be no help for you.

you can write the code itself. Will like to give you a suggestion. may be it will help.

1. Write a program which will print a pyramid of your height. Use only System.out.println() and write the whole structure manually.
2. Then try to figure out from that program how can you make all the print statement in a loop. Try to identify the logical relation between the different print statement.
3. Once you do that you will be able code the for loop appropriately.
4. modify your code for more number for pyramids using another for loop.

Its all about identifying the pattern. I believe this will help.

14 years ago
Welcome to javaRanch
14 years ago
check String API

Use str.length() to find the size of String. If less than 15, do substring upto str.length() else your code.
14 years ago
you need to debug the whole issue... from the place you are calling the file.
Atleast the file should get called properly, then there may be issues with code that can be corrected. But atleast this code should get called.
14 years ago

If you are not getting 0/1(ie.. nothing is comming in console), your code is breaking before that.

Give SOP before that also and check whether this file is getting called correctly/in which part the code is breaking.
14 years ago