Enrico Ascaruta Tangau

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since Aug 23, 2010
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Recent posts by Enrico Ascaruta Tangau

Hello to everyone,
anyone has experience of managing maps using oracle MapBuilder and MapViewer? this is the right formulation to ask?

I'm starting out with the world MapViewer and MapBuilder and my test range is fix a bug on a project already running. I was asked to insert support for multiple markers on the map, so that display the number of objects (rows from the database) on the same coordinates: only a marker for more traffic detection sensors;
I read about the function enableMultiFeatureMarker (true), but it seems that it was not sufficient to invoke the creation of multiple markers on themed FOI: overlapping markers not rendered at all;

How can I do?

We use MapBuilder 11p6 for the creation of markers and styles as required by attribute "multiple-marker = true" in the creation of the marker intended for those sensors, and MapViewer 11p3 to render

If someone wants to play with a bit of additional explanation, I'll be glad to read them all! :-)
10 years ago
This first obstacle seems to be behind us.
I changed my class to generate the ssl socket,
I checked out The password (actually it was stored on the database with a space for more ..)
I asked for the keystore file to the client in order to use its private key for the certificate import .
But even now I find myself in front of an exception that prevents me from going to include the certificate and for which boast plenty of time "gooooogle" was useless: I have found a lot, and I found nothing;

"keytool error java.lang.Exception: failed to Establish chain from reply".

I'm trying to run the following command keytool

Someone can help me?!
12 years ago
Hello everyone, would you help me to overcome this exception that's been bugging me for 2 days?

in my project there is a call to a web service of a public service, the functionality that invokes the serviziofunziona perfectly but to switch from the test environment to "production" require client authentication using a digital certificate issued by them.

I installed without problems certificate in a custom keystore, whose path and password will be included in the 'application during installation (because it will live together with other modules but will rimanerne "wildly" separated):

now I'm trying to place the use of this keystore in the code.
I have taken two paths:

simply by setting the properties of the system with "javax.net.ssl.xxx" but it does not work, the sergeant exception is raised:

Here is the code:

and then analyzing some of the alternatives, the result of hours of "google" I tried the following with no major improvements:

so I get an exception simpler but essentially the same:

12 years ago
Hello everyone,
looking through your post I could not find the answer ...

I'm working on a web application under Tomcat 5.5 and I need to create a page to show (read only) configuration data of the web-server and database (server version, driver version in use, address the db, etc. ), just like the page of "tomcat administration tool".

someone kindly good advice? :-)

Meanwhile I was tempting on this road:
I've already reached out to other purposes for a method to encapsulate the data in a XML file into a bean, but I can not retrieve the path to the context.xml, how can I do?

thaks, bye!
13 years ago
Hi everyone,

As part of my web application project, I've two classes that generate a tree menu;
this menu will expand as a response to the arrival of a parameter in the url, and this part works correctly.

Now I'm trying to create and launch an event (javax.faces.event), "onclick" if possible, on the component of menu,
from both backend classes to start a javascript on interface.

How can I Do?
Anyone can explain me o give some examples?

14 years ago
the solution?

recode for zero the ConfigurationListener.java.

the problem was it overrides at all the template configuration listener instead to extends it.
overriding, it can't create the context parameter "templateConfiguration[]"

the mystery remains, why if a context variable/parameter is not defined error of stack overflow is born?
it is quite misleading ...

14 years ago
I'm not working under Spring,
i'm using WebSphere.

it should be quite different, the problem is that I do not know the mechanisms.
14 years ago
i'm following a Company wiki about inserting template in jsf web app, but it's incomplete.

i've defined templateConfiguration.propeties file with correct paths of all template pages;

i've mapped it in web.xml file as follow:

i've modified ConfigurationListener class introducing

but they were useless attempts..


I've you a good tutorial about this argument?

14 years ago
Hi everyone,

I already wrote here looking for help for my JSF web application jsf, and Now I need again your valuable help for an error that I can not understand.

I'm trying to insert a jsf template custom by my company but, i receive this error at line 1 of code below :

/pages/welcome.jspx @12,73 template="#{templateConfiguration['classicTemplate']}" Could not Resolve Variable [Overflow]: templateConfiguration

can you help me?
14 years ago
I'm tring to implement a logout procedure for my web app;
this procedure should be activate from ajax commandLink and should destroy backingbeans, invalidate session and (important) redirect to login page (jsp).

How can I do?
14 years ago
Hi to all.

I'm working on an web application under IBM WAS 6.1 with JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.3,
the same application was correctly working on a machine but I had the need to migrate to another machine;
I exported and restored the application and the server configuration to the new machine, but...
at the moment to run it, the server start (correctly, i think) but the application responds as follows:

do you have any suggestion ?


14 years ago