radmadsad bad

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since Aug 23, 2010
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Recent posts by radmadsad bad

Hi prashant and tukaram,

I would really appreciate it if you can send me a copy of the web application to my email id as well. I have been trying to do this since a couple of days. Had no luck.
MY email id is
[email protected]
14 years ago
Where you able to finish the simple portlet you were trying to do?
I know you haven't recieved any replies here, But i would really appreciate it if you can post me your portlet with jsp, servlet with login authentication.
Thanks a lot man
14 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I have been struggling with liferay's plugins-sdk since a week. I'm looking for a sample struts application which explains the working of a regular struts application in liferay's sdk.
I could use some documentation which explains the same. I'm new to liferay. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
14 years ago