H Jetly

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since Aug 26, 2010
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Recent posts by H Jetly

I have used JBoss Portal (before Gatein was integrated into it).
Now I have to start using the newer version with Gatein. I required someone to direct me to the new features.

12 years ago
Are you using JSF 1.2 or JSF 2.0 ?
Can you please publish your faces-config.xml also.
13 years ago
I think you should post such questions in Java In General Forum
13 years ago
This is because the code will terminate in the if or the else statement, it will never go beyond the else block. Hence unreachable.

For eg if you change the else with an else if (something) you can write the last return "invalid"

13 years ago
Primefaces seems good, I tried using JFreeCharts with Richfaces a year back and had a tough time. If a JSF library like Primfaces gives you out of box charting functionality, that is the right way ahead. Thanks Robert I will give it a look too.
I am suprised Richfaces has not caught up on Charting yet.
13 years ago
I think the data resides in the Application Scope.
After reloading the page for user B, what is the data for user A I think you will data of userB then .
This is an issue of session management, you have to see how portlet sessions are managed.
13 years ago
Can you give the complete code of the Session Bean and the Managed bean. Like I can see are they pointing to the same class?
13 years ago
You should try richfaces too
13 years ago
First please you use a managed bean.
Second the value attribute of the selectOne... will contain the selected value (for eg

should be

please use the managed bean.
13 years ago
Design Patterns provide a time tested way to design application. They help you solve some common place issues you might face, because they have been developed by people who wanted give a way a easier way to make applications.
Eg Abstract Factory , Bridge etc
Frameworks are created to give you a skeleton for you to build your application on top of or to aid application development.
Eg Spring, Seam, Hibernate
13 years ago
cool thanks, I did I am a yellow belt now
13 years ago