Richard Allen

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since Aug 30, 2010
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More and more accurately, there are 2 hosting companies with free hosting plans .
14 years ago
Document management system. You build a jsp system that let user to put the word/excel/powerpoint file into the central database like mysql. User will retrieve the file when they want through this jsp system.
14 years ago
Please try to google search yourself. eg. jsp editable datagrid
Congratulations !

What's next ?
14 years ago
Murach's Java Servlets and JSP is an alternative. Many university courses use this book as required textbook.
14 years ago
Murach's Java Servlets and JSP (2nd Edition) is an excellent book. This will give you all practical skills for writing servlet and jsp in real world.

I won't say "Head First Servlets and Jsps" is not good but Murach's book is better. Read it first. I have used some book examples in my site.

(Forum program has bug. Can you see it ? )
14 years ago