Originally posted by Mihai Lihatchi:
I am working on a project on Bea Weblogic 8.1 with WLI 8.5 .
Before switching to HTTPS and integration the server worked fine , and pretty fast.
Now using integration and HTTPS the server crashes with an OutOfMemoryError.
This situation has been present on 2 workstations both having p4 3.0 Ghz and 1024 Mb RAM.
Software Linux (Suse 10.0 and Ubuntu).
The jdk used is in both cases 1.4
Forgot to mention that I used both JRockit and Sun's JVM.As a last option I even tried to use
Blackdown JVM without any results.
Does anybody know what is causing the crash ?
[ April 15, 2006: Message edited by: Mihai Lihatchi ]
Originally posted by RaghuNath Nandyala:
I'm very new to ejb, and I want some resources to illustrate easy steps to deploy session, entity and message beans in to Weblogic 8.1
please help me..