
Ranch Hand
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SCWCD required you to have in depth Web component knowledge while IBM 484 required you to have a wide range but NOT too in depth of J2EE components knowledge.

i know which exam should i take. Thanks Nicholas!
I preparing for SCWCD and just wondering which certification is more valuable?

I just thought SCWCD is more tough than IBM 484? Please comment for my thought.


Originally posted by Mat Williams:

just change your html file from
<form action = "s">
first parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param1"><br>
second parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param2"><br>
third parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param3"><br>
<INPUT TYPE ="submit"
</form action>

<form action = "./sandeep.jsp">
first parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param1"><br>
second parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param2"><br>
third parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param3"><br>
<INPUT TYPE ="submit"
</form action>

Make sure that the jsp file is in the same directory as the html file and all should work.


You can also do as below in your jsp page.

<form action = /shop/LoginServlet">

also, below config in web.xml if you using tomcat as Servlet/JSP container



I used both whizlabs and for my SCJP. It's really helpful. Think this is same to SCWCD..
Another alternative is to store session state in business tier - using session bean..
20 years ago
if not mistaken, we can also use
String blob = rs.getString("user_data");
what i understand is that, java.sql.Date can used to compare the date value that return from query statement whereas java.util.Date cannot function this.
I used both JBuilder 5 Enterprise Edition and VAJ for about 2 year plus. I more enjoy the features that provided by VAJ.

Very thank you to two of you, i have some ideas to doing the application.
21 years ago

1:Loading the image from the pocketPC
2:Sending the image to pocketPC
Which way is the best?

I think these two are the same.
21 years ago

On the Palm I used RMS. On the PocketPC I used FileInputStream and FileOutputStream. I didn't store images in memory, and I imagine on Palm using MIDP you would run out of memory pretty quickly.

I thought the RMS is consider memory?
if using FileInputStream and FileOutputStream, we will facing slow display if the connection is slow, am i wrong?
21 years ago
Yes. I agreed that this is a good idea to put images to cache but if using local cache - RMS, will it run out memory space if i need a lot of images?
if i use client's component - imagecache that suggested by lasse, will the content in the cache loss for centain circumstances like no battery.
[ July 25, 2003: Message edited by: Steffy Sing ]
21 years ago
Hi Daryl,
I want to write a J2ME application that will display a lot of images. I knew that there are 2 ways to do this. (Please coorect me if wrong)
1) store images in jar. call the images when application need it. disadvantage is that it takes out memory space 2) load images from server everytimes the user start the application. disadvantage is that it may take some time to display from server.
Please advise. Thanks.
21 years ago

I thought https is only available under MIDP 2.0, or am I mistaken?

you are right.
21 years ago

2) Secondly how much time do you think it should take for the server to send back the response ( a string) to the client when using cell-phone and wireless network.

Just wondering how much time if want to read a video from server and play to the phone. Someone developed similar MIDlet program? Any advice?
21 years ago