SCWCD required you to have in depth Web component knowledge while IBM 484 required you to have a wide range but NOT too in depth of J2EE components knowledge.
Originally posted by Mat Williams:
just change your html file from
<form action = "s">
first parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param1"><br>
second parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param2"><br>
third parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param3"><br>
<INPUT TYPE ="submit"
</form action>
<form action = "./sandeep.jsp">
first parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param1"><br>
second parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param2"><br>
third parameter : <INPUT TYPE ="TEXT" NAME = "param3"><br>
<INPUT TYPE ="submit"
</form action>
Make sure that the jsp file is in the same directory as the html file and all should work.
1:Loading the image from the pocketPC
2:Sending the image to pocketPC
Which way is the best?
On the Palm I used RMS. On the PocketPC I used FileInputStream and FileOutputStream. I didn't store images in memory, and I imagine on Palm using MIDP you would run out of memory pretty quickly.
I thought https is only available under MIDP 2.0, or am I mistaken?
2) Secondly how much time do you think it should take for the server to send back the response ( a string) to the client when using cell-phone and wireless network.