Junilu Lacar wrote:I was never big on matrix operations even back when I was in school a few decades ago.
Bhaskar Bantupalli wrote:Did you check whether the solution yoh found us satisfying the original equation, otherwise you need to fiddle with zero renainders and modulus
Tim Cooke wrote:Daughters trump AoC, I suppose 😁, congrats Stephan that's wonderful news.
Junilu Lacar wrote:Congratulations! Is she an Aries or a fellow Taurus?
Sleep is overrated, especially when you have time to watch your daughter sleep and wonder at the miracle ;)
Tim Cooke wrote:Looks like Sree is back in the game this year so it'll be a battle for second for the rest of us. Historically she will be hard, near impossible, to beat.
Liutauras Vilda wrote:for most of us excuses kick in sometime sooner