Rayudu addagarla

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Recent posts by Rayudu addagarla

I guess not even 5% of corporate users are at that config
Try html5test.com

Ie8 has less than 50/500
Where chrome shows 400+

IE 10 only has good support but that will take couple of yrs for users to be on it
I see most corporate users are IE and still ie is not in HTML5 game till IE10
How do you answer the management that you want to develop an html5 apps
How do i find if a file is executable.
in shell we say if [ -x /usr/bin/firefox ];then

like that how do i find in java code.
File f = new File("/usr/bin/firefox");
if ( f.exists() ) {
if ( <need to know file is executable> ) {

18 years ago
How do i compare 2 xml files.
i cant use unix diff.

i need to get each element in a.xml and its value.
and compare it with the same element in b.xml

<msg> helloworld</msg>
<id> 1 </id>
<msg> hai</msg>
<id> 2 </id>


<msg> welcome</msg>
<id> 1 </id>
<msg> hai</msg>
<id> 3 </id>

here we see msg changed for that tag. helloworld to welcome and also id changed 2 to 3.
the xml will have same structure. same number of tags , only values may change.

I am using jdk 1.5
import java.xml.xpath.*;
import org.xml.sax.*
in new jdk.15 i guess no need to use jdom.

i would like to have
$java Compare a.xml b.xml

Change: <msg> [helloworld] changedto [welcome]
Change: <id> [2] changedto [3]


[ December 21, 2005: Message edited by: Rayudu addagarla ]

[ December 21, 2005: Message edited by: Rayudu addagarla ]
[ December 21, 2005: Message edited by: Rayudu addagarla ]
How can i authenticate users against Windows Active directory[ADSI] with java.
Does anyone has sample code or link.
No ldap server, just authenticate against ADSI.
[ November 21, 2005: Message edited by: Rayudu addagarla ]
18 years ago
Hello Ryan Asleson and Nathaniel Schutta,
Is there any discussion in your book about AJAX and remotescripting advantages and disadvantages etc sample code using AJAX with remotescripting

I guess this is a very good place to talk about AJAX and remotescripting.net as i saw some .net developers around.
both are calling a remote server side method with help of vbscript/js

correct me if i am wrong.
1. What is AJAX giving better than remotescripting?
2. Do you as a .NET developer recommend AJAX.
I guess in embedded devices like mobile devices,
It may be good to send data at once rather than many small data packets.
In SMS, companies recommend to send long messages at once rather than small small messages many times.

So based on that, is AJAX usefull for mobile devices?
I guess AJAX is not really a new technology.
Its just a different way of implementation.

Not that I am MS technology fan.
Microsoft-ASP had this XMLHTTPObject and using MSXmlParser We used to have similar stuff being done few years back also. post request using this and show in differnt IFrames.might be done with JSP also.
I feel AJAX has changed the way we can handle validation on forms.
Hello All,
How do we deal getting binary data using AJAX.
say google maps is based on Ajax and servers images.
How do we implement this to get little part of image only.
Say I want to implement a Hunting game in AJAX, something similar to Age of Empires, may not that sophisticated, we have to get little part of image as the player moves towards the edges of the screen or the viewport.
Should the images be only vector graphics[SVG].

[ November 15, 2005: Message edited by: Rayudu addagarla ]
Thanks Scott Selikoff
That was nice explanation!
I got it working.
18 years ago
I would like to do a string matching with case insensitivity.

Line = "<tiTLE>MyWebPage</Title>"
String input "title"

I need to output this Line if it has variable input in it, irrespective of case.
I should not do toUpperCase or toLowerCase on the Line.

Line.matches(???) what should i use.

I was trying like this. but did not get it
i dont know how to keep the correct regular expression.
may be we can just use String.matches(regex)

import java.util.regex.*;
public class Test {

public static void main(String args[])
String Line = "<tiTLE>MyWebPage</Title>";
String input = "title";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Line, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
boolean matchFound = matcher.matches();
if (matchFound)


18 years ago
How is the j2se 5 better in performance wise.
The -Xms and -Xmx variables and others has any good impact on java 5.
Are there any new variables introduced to make a swing application start faster than in old jre's.
consider a linux and j2se 5 eniviron ment.
19 years ago