Smari Oumaya

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since Sep 29, 2010
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Recent posts by Smari Oumaya

i have a problem with sending receiving XML data in rest web services, can i find some help!
13 years ago
i'm developing a RESt services based forum. I'm using JSP in the interface.
13 years ago
I'm developing a REST web services based application. I'm wondering if i can use stateful beans to conserve the state between differents REST requests?
Please help
13 years ago
Thank you Bill my problem is resolved. Like a regular call to a REST web service, in the body of the service i must create an instance of the client of the web service.
14 years ago
Hi all,
I'm wondering if a REST Web service can make call to another REST web service. If yes how? i should create a client for the second web service in the definition of the first?

14 years ago
please, i really need help!
i can't find how to define my classes in the clause of @consumes.
14 years ago
I have developed a message board based rest web services. Now, i want to develop another web service charged of collecting users' actions in this forum. Can you give me some ideas for the developement of this service.
14 years ago
Thanks, but i'm wondering about "employee", how can i define my classes to use them in the consumes annotation. I hope that my question is more clear now.
14 years ago
I always find this notation in tutorials concerning web services REST :"@ConsumeMime("application/(employee)+xml") ". Can someone explain me how to use it.
14 years ago
thank you,
i'm searching for a complete application to follow step by step.
14 years ago
hi all,
i'm developing a REST web service with netbeans. My service gets data from a MYSQL database. I don't understand how to set a method POST to insert a new tuple in the database.
14 years ago
i have resolved my problem. i have added a link to my ressource.
14 years ago
the result of my web service 1 is a list of forums, how can i make every forum call another web service that list discussions of the forum.
result of web service 1:
1 Web service REST
web service 2 must be invoked when clicking at "Web service REST" to list correspondant discussions.

14 years ago
Hi all,
how can i establish a nested REST web service call.
14 years ago
thank you for alls!
your answers were very helpful! all the treatments must be in the service description. My problem is resolved.
14 years ago