vijay Panner

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 29, 2010
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Recent posts by vijay Panner

I want to get table name and column name from query. i got column name. but i didn't get table name from the query. Please help me

I am developing a media player, Here I want to download songs from the server and then play it one by one. which one is prefer to develop this ,
weather ejb,corejava please help me
13 years ago
Thanks, I have doubt in javascript, is it possible to make database connection in javascript?

I am developing one web based application using jsp. here I m using three drop down list , one is country , second is state and third one is Location.
when we select country in the country drop down list. then respective state data retrieve from database then will show in state drop down list.
and when we select state in the state drop down list then respective location data will retrieve from database and show in the location drop down list.
please help me, how to solve this problem?, which one i use in javascript,ajax?. please give me idea about it.

I used request.getRequestURL() in servlet, it returns only http url alone. but i want to get https url also , how to get it by using servlet? please help me.
13 years ago

I am developing a web based application using jsp. in my application, i want to show employee photo in screen using browse button. Please help how to show
image on screen and save it into the database.
13 years ago

I am developing an application using java swing. Here I retrieve data from database and show data on JTable by using AbstractTableModel. After got data in JTable, I have selected a row , it returns row no=-1.
Please help me to solve this problem.

Actually I am getting row no =-1 in table.getSelectedRow().

13 years ago
I m developing an application using swing. Here i need to add sms concept , but i don't know what are the steps to take? and
also what are requirement need? please suggest me
13 years ago

I m using Jaspersoft iReport Designer 3.7.6 as reporting tool in my project. Here i am using mysql query

" SELECT weight,date FROM measurement m "

it returns three rows,so the chart also will print three times. please help me how to print chart
only one time?
Thanks for your help.
13 years ago

Thanks Rob Camick . You gave one advice for how to update the table.but i donot know how to implement that. please give any example.

13 years ago
Data cannot update in the table. when we click button once then data will show in the table, again we click the DefaultTablemodel can update but the data cannot update in the table. please help me .

the code is below

class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 3557014627615565384L;
//Declare the String
final String[] column_Names = { "ID", "TOTAL SESSION", "AVAILABLE" };
private ArrayList<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();
private String uname = "", pword = "", url = "", schema = "";
private Propertyread Propertyfile;
private String Query;
public TableModel abtmodel = null;
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;

MyTableModel(ResultSet rs)throws SQLException {

// Call the perpertyread class's method is findPropertyfile()

while ( {

Object[][] Objdata={{data.toArray()}};
abtmodel = new DefaultTableModel(Objdata, column_Names);

System.out.println("abstract 1 "+data);

public int getColumnCount() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return column_Names.length;

public int getRowCount() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 1;

public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return data.get(columnIndex);


public String getColumnName(int c) {
return column_Names[c];

public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
return false;

public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
data.set(row, value);
System.out.println("New data Updated");

public void addRow(ArrayList row){

public void delRow(int row) {

public void addResultSet(ResultSet rs)throws SQLException{
// data.clear();
while ( {

Object[][] Objdata={{data.toArray()}};
abtmodel = new DefaultTableModel(Objdata, column_Names);

System.out.println("abstract 2 "+data);

13 years ago
ok thanks, here after i keep in same page. can you show any sample program for create tablemodel in resultset itself?
13 years ago
yes, i followed AbstractTableModel and fireTableDataChanged. but the data cannot change in table. how i solve that?
13 years ago