Campbell Ritchie wrote:And what happened when you tried the JOptionPane?
What is the encoding you have set on your database?
Campbell Ritchie wrote:Start by trying the display on a Java component: JOptionPane.showMessagedialog(null, "value:"+printVal);
The Windows® terminal is notorious for displaying only a restricted range of characters. I hve had command lines where £ appeared as ú!
Akhilesh Trivedi wrote:I am confused, by 'tool' you mean IDE where you want to develop your code. Or you mean 'UI-tool' that will be used by your users on their browser.
For a development tool you should see your own comfort.
For a UI tool to be used by users, you need to understand what features and functionality suits them.
For development tool, eclipse should be good. I think even Flex IDE would be eclipse-based. If you are a beginner and wish to avoid server side coding and are more on UI, then any editor, TextPad or a WYSIWYG editor can be tried.
Bear Bibeault wrote:If you are using jQuery why are you not using jQuery to perform the Ajax call?
In any case, URLs have limited length. Use a POST, passing the info in the request body rather than on the URL.
And, using the jQuery Form plugin will reduce all this code to a single line.
Jesper de Jong wrote:What version of Java are you using?
If you are using an older version, it might not have up-to-date information about when daylight savings changes occur. Whenever Oracle releases a new update version of the JDK, the daylight savings information is often updated. Make sure you're using the latest Java update.