Chacko Chen

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since Oct 12, 2010
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Recent posts by Chacko Chen

NTLM is NT LAN Manager in Windows. By this in servlets or JSP one could get logged in username. More information
14 years ago
I saw this blog regarding spring security and ntlm

However I am not sure how do I start? Where to start? How do I pass my ntlm authenticated user to class which is mentioned in blog? Should I use a servlet or jsp to get ntlm user? etc etc.

Could someone provide some insight?

14 years ago
I would like to use the new version, however still looking for a working sample application with ntlm authentication.

14 years ago

Are there any working sample application for Spring Security (ACEGI) with NTLM authentication?

I am looking for one to integrate with icefaces application.


14 years ago
Radovan, thanks again for the reply.

Article did not mention anything about ntlm, I am looking for working sample application for acegi with ntlm.

14 years ago
Thanks for the reply.

Is there any working sample application for acegi with ntlm?
14 years ago
How did you resolve the error?

Could you kindly share?

14 years ago
Thanks again for the reply.

If I add redirect in faces-config.xml, error disappears.

14 years ago
Sorry about the third page list.jspx, it is nothing but first.jspx. I couldn't find any exception in that, however after navigating to second.jspx even when I refresh I am getting the same exception.

My JSF version is 1.1 and Icefaces is 1.8.2.

14 years ago
Is the issue due to <redirect> ?
14 years ago

I have simple one to one page navigation, first page to second page and from second page to first page using faces-config.xml
When I click commandLink in second page to navigate back to first page, I am getting the following exception. How can I resolve this issue?

My faces-config.xml

14 years ago
Thanks a lot for the reply,

My faces-config.xml

14 years ago

I am using JSF 1.1 with Icefaces 1.8.0.

I would like to save state of my request bean when I navigate back to my page
My scenario is as follows
When I navigate from page one to page two, I would like to values in combo box's and datatable pagination be preserved
when I navigate back to page one from page two without using session scope.

For this I tried using <t:savestate. I implemented Serializable like the following

and in the page I added the following

But for some reason or the other I cannot get the page values in save state.
What could be the issue, could someone please help?

Thanks in advance.

My web.xml is as follows

14 years ago
Could someone provide some help?
14 years ago

I am using RF 3.1.6 with JSF 1.1 on Jdeveloper 10.1.3.

When I run the JSP page and I type in letters, no results are getting displayed.
a4j log is showing error
debug[11:27:20,219]: call getElementById for id= suggestionbox_form:suggestionBoxId:suggest
error[11:27:20,219]: New node for ID suggestionbox_form:suggestionBoxId:suggest is not present in response
debug[11:27:20,220]: call getElementById for id= ajax-view-state

When I display <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
<h:messages />
I could see the data in outputpanel. However no data is displayed in suggestionbox

How can I resolve the issue?

Below is snippet of code I am using for suggestionbox.

14 years ago