Guillem Plasencia

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since Oct 13, 2010
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Why isn't your book published also as "paper" book? What's the difference between the "multimedia CD" and the Kindle edition (besides the price)? Does it mean there's no way to download the code listed in the book if you buy the kindle version?



I've been struggling through this for a while. I'm writing a Web application (run within Glassfish v3) where a Servlet will call a Class that will itself execute a command line program. The user provides an input file, which is saved in a temp folder (OK up to this point). Then,
i have to run this program passing it the absolute path to the input file, also the output of this program is another file which has to be set as a command-line argument (and other parameters). The program needs some libraries, so my app reads the needed environment variables (LD_LIBRARY_PATH in this case) from a configuration XML file, and sets it.

Here's the code:

As my log file reports, the (String-ified) program command line (with arguments) is:

the temporary folder is:

and the environment variables used is:

Unfortunately, i see no output at all in the expected temp folder, nor any Exception is raised/catched. The only clue i have about what might be wrong is the fact that Process API includes two methods: getInputStream(), getOutputStream() and getErrorStream().
The getErrorStream() gave me an error while loading shared libraries for one of the needed libraries,

-How do i set the environment variable that points to needed libraries for my command line program? (in command line it would be LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and this is just what i used but it does not recognize it properly)

-Do i have to use getInputStream() and getOutputStream() them to feed the input and read the output of the command line program? Isn't a bit misleading the fact that ProcessBuilder API includes a directory(File) to set the temporary folder, if the only way of setting program's input / reading program's output is through getInputStream and getOutputStream methods?

-I see that an OutputStream has methods to write in it, so i guess that should be my program's input, and the InputStream then would be my program's output, am i right?

Thank you very much,

14 years ago