peter sze

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since Oct 14, 2010
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Yes, but unfortunately, there's two instances of the internal tomcat server that comes up depending on which URL opens it, giving different servers stats. I would like to keep this consistent, but not sure how to.
14 years ago
Hi, sorry this is such a late reply, but this issue had been put on the back burner and just now got back to. I meant to clarify, that it was the Tomcat's internal server page had multiple instances with two different set of stats depending on which URL had opened up the page.

14 years ago
Hello, I have tomcat 4 and there are multiple urls that get to our website, but each one starts up a new instance of our website. I want it to start the same instance of the website, how can I do this?

14 years ago
Hi, I'm on a RH linux box with tomcat 4 setup. And there's two URL paths to our tomcat server and each one spawns a different instance of Tomcat. How can I make both go to the same tomcat instance, as I don't want both instances hogging up resources like socket connections.

14 years ago