Rodney Woodruff

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since Dec 04, 2001
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Recent posts by Rodney Woodruff

This doesn't sound like you need to configure the printer. What you may need to do is configure your application to know which printer to use when it tries to print a Word or PDF document.
You can do this using configuration files, hard coded, etc.
21 years ago
Let me make sure I understand your question:
You need some persistence mechanism but. . .
1. You don't want to store it in the session
2. You don't want to store it on the server
3. You have it in the database but you don't want to keep retrieving it from there.
This seems very limited. However, there are two other possible mechanisms that I can think but of course there are always more . . .
1. Store values in Cookies (bad idea if data is insecure or user doesn't accept cookies)
2. Store the data in an XML file and then use XPath to quickly retrieve necessary values.
These are just ideas. None of which I have really used extensively but, given your stated limitations, they might work for you.
21 years ago
If someone enters 12-12-2003 12:30pm, what does your program output as the date that was entered?
21 years ago
Adrian has the right solution -- store the rgb values in the database. Then your code would be
Int dbresult = ors.getInteger(1);
Color color = new Color(dbresult); //error results from this line
This way you can have many different color combinations -- roughly 8 bit color.
Nonetheless, if changing your database scheme is not possible right now, you could do the following:
1. Create a class that extends or maintains a hashtable (composition).
2. You then implement two methods addColor(String name, int rgb) and getColor(String name).
3. Initialize the class with all the colors that you expect from your database calls. Some sample code is below:

Then your code would be:

I don't recommend this approach but it should get your around the problem that you are currently facing.
21 years ago
I have been using IntelliJ Idea for over a year and have grown very fond of it. However, Eclipse is now more than able to take over my intellij work and it is free.
However, I am having a small problem transitioning my current rather extensive project to Eclipse. Creating a new project for eclipse from my existing intellij project folder is straightforward but what I haven't been able to figure out is how exclude certain folders in my project hierarchy.
Any and all help is appreciated.
-- Rodney
There may be something here . . .
Apache POI
21 years ago
I am not certain that this is definitely your problem. However, just for test purposes, you could try moving the jar to the directory from which you start your application and add the appropriate path to the classpath and see what happens.
I would also try changing the name to something like comibm.jar and see what happens when you add it to the classpath.
Nonetheless, I am not certain that this is really your problem but is worth a shot.
21 years ago
You don't clean up. But you could put some start up code that would try to fix what was not properly released during the last running of the application. This could be rebuilding logs or reporting on last state of the application.
However, outside of using a UPS, there is no such thing as a "Loss of Power Exception or Event"
21 years ago
I would also consider using Integer.parseInt(string) method so that you would get the int representing the value that you are looking for. If you use the Integer(string) constructor, then you have to call Integer.intValue() to get the integer value back for your mathematical operations.
This is just a thought.
21 years ago
Try this:
new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm")
This will create a simple date format where the time is a 24 clock which will result in 23:00, 22:00, etc.
21 years ago
I would suggest creating a batch file that contains the command necessary for executing your application. This way you only have to type the names of the 100 jars once and can easily add and remove jars as you wish.
Then at the command line you just have to type: YourCommand.bat and your application will run.
-- Rodney
21 years ago
1. Assignment
4. Popped
6. Subclass
8. Invoke
10. Hierarchy
13. Handle
15. Exceptions
18. Keyword
20. Tree
21. Duck
24. Int
25. Algorithm
27. Throws
28. Contract
29. New
2. Scope
3. Instance
4. Private
5. Math
7. State
9. Class
11. Instantiate
12. Checked
14. Try
16. Inherit
17. Setter
19. Declare
22. Catch
23. Throw
26. Isa
Hopefully, I got the most right and will win the consolation prize? By the way, what is the consolation prize.
21 years ago
Well, it is kind of hard to say because Ant is built on some particular architecture. I can safely say, however, that they probably use standard object oriented development methodologies to keep Ant stable and flexible.
May I ask why you need to know the architecture upon which Ant is built?
21 years ago
Pay attention to Jim. I don't know what I was thinking. My solution works but is way overkill for what you need to do.
21 years ago
Here is a suggestion:
You wrote:

Solution 2:

Can you tell me why you can't call next?
[ March 07, 2003: Message edited by: Rodney Woodruff ]
[ March 07, 2003: Message edited by: Rodney Woodruff ]
21 years ago