santosh dhulipala

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since Oct 21, 2010
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Recent posts by santosh dhulipala

Hi all,

i have a peculiar need for my project and my manager want to it diffrently.
for example
when we type the following link
it sh go to the test project and to the serach servlet in that i have to read parameter by after slash
a coustomized query String kind of

Thank you

13 years ago
it is excuting when i remove the addEntity method in LoginDAO.
but generating class cast exception
spring configuretion xML file

hibernate configuration file


hi all,
i am trying to call a stored procedure using CreateSQLQuery method and i am getting unkone entity exception
Here is my entity class

DAO class

My spring class
Thank you all for the replies,
atlast i could clear the issue by changing the folder Structure ans some changes in web.xml

Thank you all
14 years ago
i am sorry i just overlook your question
14 years ago
we are upgrading our application server and noticed a intresting thing
which i couldn't find reason hope i will get help
in tomcat 4.1
if we use forward action tag by closing explicitly is working fine

but in tomcat 6 if we are having the explicit closed action tags it showing exception that
the particular line should have param names and values
but when i change the action tag to self closing one it is not showing exception may i know the reason

14 years ago
can any one help?
14 years ago
my doubt is
for comparison of two String's equal method check the contents
will it compare form the hascode genrated
as when creating strings it will verify if it already exist in the String pool if not create the new one and store the address

14 years ago
i am sorry i havent seen the code completly

we can generate the required output with support from Database (Query) and jsp
we can do in this way
date should be converted to smalldate at Db and execute the query get the result and display

hope my point is up to your requirement
14 years ago

we can do it in this way
get the value from the text box,get the substring value declare is as a string and append page extention to it in the controller class redirect by passing the string value(the appended) which will forword to the page you want

in servlet class(controller class)

hope i am little more clear now
please let me know if i am correct

14 years ago
ok but will you validate wether it exist or not
we can do it in this way
get the vale from the text box,get the substring value declare is as a string and append page extention to it in the controller class redirect by passing the string value(the appended) which will forword to the page you want

here you have to validate wether the file is there or not

hope i am clear
14 years ago
where will you validate the entered code is valid will you compare from DB or any source
14 years ago