Amar Jee

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since Oct 22, 2010
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Sorry, typo in the post.
I'm trying role1/tomcat as user/pwd (this is not working ).
Using tomcat 6.0.20.
13 years ago
I've configured my webapp to use BASIC authentication.
When attempting to access http://localhost:8080/DBTest/ I do get a popup asking for user/pwd.
On submitting the user/pwd as role1/password, it is not accepted and the popup keeps reappearing.
Below are the web.xml and tomcat-users.xml


13 years ago
I've a few existing tables which have an id and version as PK.
This is mainly to keep track of all the updates.
Following are the problems I faced:
1. version can't be a part of composite-id.
2. if version is outside the composite-id, its not part of the PK and will not let me insert another version (due to PK violation).
3. envers wasn't helpful as it creates a seperate AUD table wheras I want the versioning in the same table.
Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly be appreciated
I want to dynamically populate a java bean which has non primitive members, from a map.
By dynamically, I mean, I should be able to loop on the properties (as, the javabean type will be know at runtime) and set them based on key in the map.
I tried achieving the same using BeanUtilsBean.populate(), but it did not work.
For example, if the bean structure is as follows, I want to be able to populate Wrapper (its members) based on the map below the code snippet.

Key | Value
name | Tim
age | 29
faltNumber | 307
street | 78
city | NY
13 years ago
Sure. Thanks!
I'm trying to read excel rows to java bean but keep getting it keeps failing with null pointer exception.
Below is the code extract from XLSForEachBlockReaderImpl where itemsCollection comes out to be null.
PFA the xlsx file used for the below code (please replace .txt with .xlsx).
Please advice.

Following are the files I'm using:
