Simeon Shi

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since Dec 04, 2001
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i should pay my close attention ot this thread coz i am also confused with such question. what i could do now is just to use the absolute path instead of the relative path.
i think that i do put the log4j.xml (i use the xml configuration file instead) and my other log operations run correctly. However, i just checked my configuration file, in which the ConsoleAppender'pattern starts with the "%-4r" but not the "log4j:" in the tomcat console.
By the way, i read tomcat's documents carefully and find that tomcat do not use log4j or common-logging but its own log utilities instead which is configured in the "server.xml" file under the directory 'conf'.
So the output i mentioned "log4j:WARN" is neither tomcat's output nor my web application's output. Where did it come from? Could anybody help me?
Thanks! The following is my log4j.xml's snippet for the ConsoleAppender.

[ January 09, 2004: Message edited by: simeon ]
Dear all,
When i start my tomcat(5.0.12), i found some log4j:warn appeared refer to my project. The log appeared under the console looks like the following.

Do anybody know what's wrong with it?Thanks in advance.
I am also seeking the solution of integration of Tomcat 4.1.24 and JBoss 3.2. But I could answer you the first question.
On there is also a jboss_tomcat integrated bundle. If you choose the JBoss alone. It will use a in-build Web Server, which is called Jetty.
Good luck, if you have any idea about how to integrate JBoss and Tomcat manually, pleaz don't forget to let me konw that.
21 years ago