jared peterreins

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since Nov 09, 2010
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Recent posts by jared peterreins

Can I just send you the side menu as i am not one bit sure about code?
the page a good code would to would be Ranch 1.htm , Ranch 2.htm, Ranch 3.htm, Ranch 4.htm, and so on up to 6

Thanks as i don't understand any of that
Ok, First of all Thank you to all that have taken the time to help me out as I haven't written a line of code for 10 years.

I am going to to try and be as specific as possible with this post as to what I am trying to accomplish.

My site: http://www.madison.k12.sd.us/mms/club7/RastelliRancher/default.htm

the site is a project site that allows consumers to track their beef that they bought back to the rancher up to 6 different ranchers. The ground beef would have a producer code on it. example code 123456, 654321, 213456, 456123, 543216, 321456.

If the consumer enters the correct producer code it will bring up that ranchers bio page that i have created on my site. If a user enters an invalid code it will go to a different page stating "invalid producer code" or it could be an error message.

I hope that is clear, because it is as clear as i can make it. Thanks for all your help.
Ok, First of all Thank you to all that have taken the time to help me out as I haven't written a line of code for 10 years.

I am going to to try and be as specific as possible with this post as to what I am trying to accomplish.

My site: http://www.madison.k12.sd.us/mms/club7/RastelliRancher/default.htm

the site is a project site that allows consumers to track their beef that they bought back to the rancher up to 6 different ranchers. The ground beef would have a producer code on it. example code 123456, 654321, 213456, 456123, 543216, 321456.

If the consumer enters the correct producer code it will bring up that ranchers bio page that i have created on my site. If a user enters an invalid code it will go to a different page stating "invalid producer code" or it could be an error message.

I hope that is clear, because it is as clear as i can make it. Thanks for all your help.

14 years ago
So far i have tried to insert a form, added a input box and a submit button

When the code is entered it will open a page in my site; http://www.madison.k12.sd.us/mms/club7/RastelliRancher/default.htm

This is my first time on this site so if i need to move to the forum you suggested i will do so. Sorry and thanks for trying
14 years ago
any source i guess? the codes will be genaric Rancher 1 = 1234
Rancher 1 has his own page on my website but will only be displayed if the user enters the right code is it possible

14 years ago
I want to create an input box that when the user enters a code that matches a producer it will bring up that producers page??? any help
14 years ago