CongSon Nguyen

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since Nov 17, 2010
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I still don't get it. Can you please explain more clearly ? said "Thread.sleep causes the current thread to suspend execution for a specified period. This is an efficient means of making processor time available to the other threads of an application or other applications that might be running on a computer system".
Even when we don't use Thread.sleep(...), processor time is still available to the other threads -> I do not really understand it.

When we use Thread, we should call Thread.sleep() so that other thread has a chance to execute. However, in my simple app above, I do not need to use Thread.sleep(...), but both thread still have a chance to execute. So, why is it ? Is it because of multicore in my CPU ? If so, we do not need to use Thread.sleep(...). Can anyone please help me ? Thanks a lot.
Thanks, Rob Camick. I'm sorry.
14 years ago
When I add a new data row to the table, the scrollbar keeps staying at the same place (not move down). Here's the code:

How can I make the scrollbar go down ? I tried to search Google for answer, but so far I've not found any one. Thanks for your help.
14 years ago