Darshan Bhavsar

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since Dec 06, 2001
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Recent posts by Darshan Bhavsar

hello anand
I found the solution of Datahandler that is surely help to u.I send u some snippet .
try this
MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(to)};
msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
messageBodyPart.setContent(msgText1+msgText2, "text/html");
// Create a related multi-part to combine the parts
MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
// Add body part to multipart
// Associate multi-part with message
// Send message
I hope this helps u if not send me mail my id is
[email protected] and inform me this helps u or not
22 years ago
Hello friends
I have one problem regarding sending HTML page.
I know it's syntext
MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session)
msg.setContent(MultiPart M,"text/HTML");
But it is giving me error of Not installing datahandler for text/HTML
how to add datahandler class for text/HTML mimetype
Thanks in advance
22 years ago
Hello friends
I want to open one VB application by HTML or JSP page. Is it possible.
Any help is appreceated
Thanks in advance
it really help me too
22 years ago
Hello i don't want mimetypes but enctype
like text/plain or multiform-part and like that
i actually want to send some rich text mail through html
<form action=mailto [email protected] enctype="text/plain">
Hi friends,
I want to know list of available values for enctype attributes in form tag and their meaning
Thanks in advance
Thanks for reply
String format is like

Underscores are considered as blank
so i want output format like
so underscores token should be replaced with random string .This underscores tokens are not fixed.
So first i want to calculate no of blanks in between the words then replace this blanks with
some predefined String
Thanks once again
[ January 31, 2002: Message edited by: Darshan Bhavsar ]
22 years ago
I have string like
String s="171734---------printer-head.-----No";
i want to break this string into words separeted
with ---
Means i want output as following
How could it possible ,i know with StringTokenizer
it is possible but i am not able to get it.
Please help me out.
Any help is appreceated
Thanks in advance
22 years ago
In the above text ,we can see the password
can i not hide this password.
Any help is appreceated .
Thanks in advanc
[ Edited by Dave to fix the ]
[ February 01, 2002: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]
Hello Friends,
why JSP page shows NoClassDefFoundError while viewing it in Browser
What is the exact reson behind it and how should i remove this exeception.
Any help regarding this is appreceated
Thanks in Advance
22 years ago
Thanks Biju,
U mean to say i made JSP page and capture
all possible values into java array then
can u able to tell me how to load all the possible values of java array into a javascript array .

Can u able to give me example of such
Thanks in advance

23 years ago
Thanks Biju,
U mean to say i made JSP page and capture
all possible values into java array then
can u able to tell me how to load all the possible values of java array into a javascript array .

Can u able to give me example of such
Thanks in advance

23 years ago
thanks Axel,
I just want to send notifiacation mail to receipent at the time of inserting data in
table of Oracle.
Is it not possible without Javamail .
i made one JSP Page .
In that i made two textfields.
In one field user enter some data and
according to that in another field data from
oracle's table should come.
e.g In one field Itemcode is entered by user
and in another field it's description should come as soon as he leaves the itemcode field. Both itemcode and itemdescription is stored in itm table of Oracle.
please guide me how it is possible or inform
me of any resources to do this.
Any suggestion is appreceated
Thanks in Advance
23 years ago
I made one Jsp page of just normal form.
This form's data has been inserted into
oracle table .At the same time i want to shoot one mail to the receiver .
That receiver's email address is including
in the form only.
I want to insert the data as well sending mail in one action
If not possible,inform any alternative or resource for doing that.
Any suggestion is appreceated.
Thanks in advance