Chinmay Bajikar

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Recent posts by Chinmay Bajikar

Hello all,

I am starting to do some portal/portlet development using Liferay 6.
Can anybody please let me know of a good place to start reading and trying out stuff so that I can
learn and understand.

13 years ago
Hi All,

I was wondering if there would be any way to create an instance of the "org.springframework.validation.Errors" object.
I know that Errors is an interface.
The problem is, I have got a validator class that I would like to reuse for my other code.(by calling the validate() method).

I know the right way would be to separate the validation logic from the validator so that the logic can be used wherever.

But right now I am trying to provide something quick and dirty, so was wondering about doing this.

Thanks in advance,
13 years ago
Hi db,

I have a similar problem with Blobs.
The thing is that it has started failing recently.
My dev env has Tomcat & I never encountered a failure there.
Also this was working fine in prod till now & it has started freaking out
since the weekend.I suppose it is because of the extra yer-end load on the system.

One thing that I am doing different is a
Single Insert.
And a commit after that.

Also my hibernate.jdbc.batch_size is not set to 0.

Here is the stacktrace from prod, Method) Source) Source) Source) Source) Source) Source)
Does Anybody have any comments on this one?
Please let me know.


We are trying to insert a new row to a table which has a Blob col.
The model object has a java.sql.Blob field which we are populating using,


& finally we call a
<i> getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(object); </i>

on that object.

This was working fine for some time now.
But we are seeing some user loads for this particular module, & some weird behavior.
The insert takes a long time to happen.
Many times the appserver times out.

Sometimes after the timeout we see duplicate entries in the db.

I have read in some forums that this might have something to do with Oracle drivers.We are using 10G.

Has anybody else faced this?
Please let me know.


We know that using a block of code given below, we can access a private method out of a class.

Class myClass = Class.forName(className);
Object classInstance = myClass.newInstance();
Method method = myClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName,classArgs);
method.invoke(classInstance, privateMethodArgs);

My question is how can we change the security manager to not allow this.
Also is it possible to do this out of java code, in a policy file.
Preferably the existing policy file that comes with the JRE.

Thanks in advance,
17 years ago

I have added an HTML footer to my pages.
But I have a page which has some tree node like structure.
When we on one of the tree nodes, it expands...
Problem is that it expands and overlaps my footer.
Is there any css property which will help me?
What is normally done to get over such a problem?

Plzz let me know.

Thanks ...that String[] thing worked.
I dont need to change the wsdl, since it is properly generated
by the java2wsdl in Axis2 1.1

I tried to have a 2d String[], but that didnt work.
The wsdl generated was still the one which represented the 1d String[].
Maybe this is stuff for the axis2 guys to look into.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions,
18 years ago

I have a simple web service operation which returns a string. This was working fine for me.
Recently I needed to change the return type from String to a List(ArrayList).
I duly generated the new wsdl and a new client and tried to invoke the newly deployed
web service.
But it gives me an AXIS fault.
I checked the newly generated WSDL and the response element now shows the type as
Does this have anything to do with the axis fault that I am getting?

18 years ago
I am using AXIS 1.4. as not much is known about the AXIS2 usage at the time I wanted to make a decision.
As regards to the user guide, 1.4 version is much predictable.
There is a mail group, but the questions asked there were for a very advanced set of users.
As far as deploying a simple web service is concerned AXIS 1.4 and JAXME (JAXB impl from APACHE)/ or the normal impl of JAXB fit the bill fine.

18 years ago
Hi All,
I want to know if there are any XSD authoring tools available freely.
So that one can programatically create XML Schemas.
I am not looking for a GUI based tool,but more of a framework which lets me
create a xsd.

I have a normal java class having public methods which I need to expose as web service methods.
To generate the .WSDL I am using the Java2WSDL tool provided in Axis.
As an argument I give this tool the name of my Java class.
It generates the .WSDL file but also overwrites my class into an interface which now has only the definitions of my public methods.
My original implementation code is lost.
Please let me know what can be the issue?
Is it that I am misssing an option in the Java2WSDL command?

Thanks in Advance,
18 years ago
I need to pre-compile some jsp's and put those classes in a jar, which then goes in the lib folder of my war.
This is for code hiding.
I have tried using the jasper in jboss, but it doesnt seem to work.
Is there any other way to do this?
I dont want to do the load on startup, as I need to classes before deployment so that I can package them in a jar.

Please let me know,
Thanks in advance,
18 years ago
I plan to give this exam in the near future.
I have done one reading of Head First book.
But have to admit that it was just cover to cover reading.
Any ideas from ppl who have given the exam on how to go about
preparing for it.Especially if one hasnt worked actively on EJB's.
How did you guys practice?
I plan to use Websphere for practicing.Any material on how to go about
using websphere. or any other server thatis fast and easy to use?

Plzz give me directions..

Sorry, but I should have serached the forum for similar topics first.
Found what I was looking for here,

Was curious to know if there is any specific reason for not overriding equals() in StringBuffer.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvinience,
18 years ago