Yazan Rashi

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since Dec 03, 2010
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Recent posts by Yazan Rashi

Yes, this code I used it with String Array, not Char Array...
Thanks a lot for your replies... I really appreciate your help...
13 years ago
I used this loop in selection sort with String array and without using StringBuffer... and it worked fine with me...

The difference now is that I'm trying to generate Random String using StringBuffer... and it's something new to me Also, I don't know too much about Char arrays...
Help me please!
13 years ago
Hi all,
I'm doing a program which is Selection Sort of an array of String... I want to get a 20 length string consist of letters from a-z and A-Z randomly...
I used String Buffer to get this random string but I'm having problems in doing the selection sort...
This is my code:

Any help is greatly appreciated...
13 years ago