Mark Fletcher

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 08, 2001
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Recent posts by Mark Fletcher

The first computer I ever had was a BBC Model B.

A great little machine. I think my parents bought it for me to do homework. I ended up playing Elite and Chuckie Egg instead.
17 years ago
Happy New Year! Sure looks like fun!
17 years ago

I was wondering if anyone out there could recommend a decent app that can convert videos on your PC so that they can be viewed on an iPod. Ive tried free converters like Videora and Jodix, but the results are unsatisfactory. Videora doesnt always work, and Jodix inserts borders at the top and bottom of each video.

At this point Im willing to consider commercial applications. If anyone has a preference for a particular app, that runs on Vista could they post it here please?

Thanks in Advance,

17 years ago
Nowak - not a candidate for a mission to Mars.
18 years ago
I think when book 7 comes out Im going to disconnect from the internet until Ive finished it. I remember I was browsing a news forum site and some a$$hat blurted out the big-plot-twist-at-the-end for the fun of it.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Nathan Leniz:
I too am very interested to know how it all turns out...

Im pretty sure the bad guy loses at the end of book seven. Sorry to ruin it for you.
18 years ago
Pfft! Coach Ditka would make a better president!

18 years ago
2500 UKP is roughly 5000 USD.

Id compare cost of living in NJ to that of London. That will be the deciding factor.
18 years ago
I tried to run this, but when I did I got:

I think when you try to insert a bride tuple you have to make sure you resolve the Green Card violations first.
[ January 31, 2007: Message edited by: Mark Fletcher ]
18 years ago
My level 11 Blood Elf Mage would totally pwn your Second Life nerds.
18 years ago
Someone want to describe the video to me? Im scared of spiders...
18 years ago
Hey Jason,

Looks like Golden Boy and the rest of the Stepford Wives are going to be watching Superbowl XLI from their armchairs this year. No shouts of "Dynasty" from New England!

And dont start about the "genius of Belichick", I mean, the guy was wearing a hoodie indoors...

[ January 21, 2007: Message edited by: Mark Fletcher ]
18 years ago
Crikey, that takes me back!

I thought they were a one hit wonder too... I bought their first album back in 1996... did they release more albums after that?
18 years ago
DVR's are simply "the bomb".

But if like me, you watch maybe four or five different shows, suddenly it feels like its a burden to try and watch them all without your DVR filling up... I look forward to mid May when I can start catching up!

Another advantage is that you can easily tape long shows... I guess NASCAR races are one example. NFL games too, or in my case, "Ghost Hunters: Live!" on the Sci-Fi channel last night, which started at 10pm and finished at about 4am. Try doing that with VHS!
18 years ago
*Throws up arms* Ok, the BSG comment was uncalled for... I was just trying to get a rise out of people. Looked like it worked. Still stand by what I said however

Jim's right. I havent actually watched any of "Heroes" yet. For a good reason. Traditionally, with the noteable exceptions of the "Star Trek" franchise, "Buffy" etc, Sci Fi shows havent fared well on network television.

For instance, consider "Firefly". Great show, still got cancelled however. Or how about last years "Invasion", "Surface" and "Threshold", all cancelled? At this point, Im now of the opinion that Im not going to go anywhere near these new shows until theyre renewed.

The logic is skewed I admit. How is a show going to ever get renewed if nobody watches it? But then I can justify this by saying that I dont want to invest hours of my time in these shows, only to see them get cancelled.

If "Heroes" gets renewed for a second season I may pick it up. Similarly for "Jericho".

"The 4400" - yup, it lagged at the beginning of the third season but picked up towards the end. If it shows up on repeats, Id suggest watching it; season four looks like it will be pretty good.
18 years ago