Iasion Papadopulus

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since Dec 10, 2010
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Recent posts by Iasion Papadopulus

Thanks for the hint. Seems like the Service tag is what I was looking for!
14 years ago

I have a Tomcat server serving a couple of webapps, where noone is allowed to use http. So we switched of the http part completely and are only using the https part of tomcat.

Now we hava a webapp that has to be run with plain http, and I wonder if there is a way of making just one webapp listen to http without changing any configuration of the others. The bottom line is that we have an infrastructure for deploying webapps and I don't want to change anything concerning the deployment and configuration of other webapps. What I have to my disposal is the configuration of Tomcat itself and the affected webapp that has to run through http.

Is it possible to turn on http just for one webapp or is the only sollution to run a second instanse of a Tomcatserver that listens to http?
14 years ago